If you were to go back 5 years ago and meet yourself...

Find another job, but stay in the art world.

Stop wasting your money on sneakers and gear.

Tell those losers you hang with to lose your number.

Paint. You have a natural talent and you're wasting it.

Have a serious talk with your wife and tell her it's never gonna work and you want to keep things peaceful, but it's time to move on. Dont let it become the mess that it will become.

Leave those JOs alone. **** will never equal a win on any level. See how easy it is to get new p? But after the session and the effort to acquire, what have you gained?

Stop thinking like you're still in your 20's.

Keep your relationship with your brother tight.

You will never have more time than you do right now.

This is the cheat code to immortality.
not to become an addictive gambler between betting sports/casino 

save save save 

wish i can have the last 3 years of my life back once i hit 21 (23 now) **** hit the fan smh 

i was doing great in the year 2010/2011 i was working (still in same job) but i had my money managed way better
Save a little extra cash.

My life actually turned around a great deal almost exactly five years ago.
5 years ago is when i started dating my stupid *** ex dodge that heartless *** ***** she gon cheat on you for no reason at all :smh:
work harder take school more seriously and stop kicking it with the wrong crowd :lol:
brb gonna play heartless right now

finish school and not have a baby with my ex 

dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thats cold blooded how u gon do ur baby like that :rofl:
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What happens to me now? does the course of history change and I become whatever my self 5 years ago does with my advice? Or does he just go on in a separate timeline?

What if me from 5 years ago goes crazy from being visited by me and I wind up in a looney bin?

I wouldn't meet myself from 5 years ago.
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