Missed exam in college

Nov 19, 2012
Just missed my exam at my college and I don't know what to do. I didn't oversleep or anything, I simply thought the exam was at a later time even though my class is always at 2:00. I was reviewing some final stuff, I thought I was early for the test until I saw no one there. So I thought I was in the wrong class and searched all around to see where the exam was then I check my phone and it turns out the exam is already over. feel like a f****up for this silly mistake, I studied hard too. My teacher said we can't make up exams, but I emailed seeing if I could. This feels awful, anybody have experience with missing exams?
walked into my organic chem class 10mins late

had to take a harder exam an hour later with another class

i sympathize OP. Failures were had. 
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Yea, not sure how people are telling him to take the L.

I suggest you go find out your professors office hours and plead your case. Professors usually put those policies in place to curb test day absences. There will always be exceptions.
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I missed a final exam my first semester of my freshman year. The exam was scheduled for a Saturday morning and since that's usually a day I sleep in on I made sure to try to go to bed early and I set my alarm for the next morning.

The problem is I had trouble going to sleep that night since my hall in my dorm was extremely rowdy. I finally fell asleep at like 12:30, but I woke up to a loud knock at my door at around 3 am and saw two of my friends standing in my doorway. 95% of the time I made sure to have my door locked at night since my hallmates loved to play pranks and mess around, but I didn't this night since my roommate wasn't back when I went to bed and he never brought a key with him.

Anyways, two of my hallmates are standing in my doorway and they ask me if they can borrow a protractor to be funny. I'm half awake and I tell them to leave me alone since I have a test in a few hours. They realized they screwed up, but still asked me for a Gatorade (I had a large stash) and I just gave it to them so they'd shut up and go away. It took me another 20 minutes or so to fall back asleep. I woke up the next morning with 5 minutes till my exam time. For some reason my alarm never went off and because my mental clock got thrown off when I was woken up I wasn't able to rely on my body to wake up on time.

Since it was across campus it would've taken me like 20 minutes to get there and I still had to gather my stuff and get dressed too. I figured at best I'd get there 20 minutes late, which was pretty bad since the tests were a few essays that people usually finished with no time to spare. At best, I'd probably have gotten a C on it because of that. I had no idea what I was going to do.

One of the guys who woke me up saw me in kind of a panic and asked what was up and when I told him my situation he offered to go there with me to explain things. Since I wasn't sure what to do and because an "sick email" sent after the test had already started would've looked like total BS, I decided the best thing I could do was be totally honest about the situation and hope my professor would be a little understanding. Anyways, we get there and my professor seems like he isn't buying the story at all, but he offered to let me take the final at another time with a two letter grade penalty.

I was frustrated because I did everything I could to make sure I would get there on time and some random prank coupled with my alarm not working threw it all off. I realize I was partially at fault too, but without those happening I would have been there no doubt in my mind. I ended up taking the exam and it brought me down from a B+ to a B-. I feel your pain OP, hopefully your professor is understanding.
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I did that before and said I got in a car accident. Took a make up by self with my iPhone lol
Similar situation but mine worked out way better than yours will:

Came diddy bopping into class like any other day and he starts handing out the MID TERM EXAM. I start freaking out until I see him slap my exam on my desk and it was a recycled exam and the previous taker had bubbled in the answers then erased them. I had no other choice but to follow blindly.

Take the L.

When you study hard for something taking the L is like not an option and I'm trying to get at least a 3.8 so missing this exam makes it hard for me to get anything higher than a A- but that's nearly impossible
Ok so explain your screw up to your professor and then the prof. will hand you your L.

I understand working hard and all that but you ****** up. It was no one else's fault. Unless you got previous good will with this person or they're a softie on rules and regulations you're going to have to own this situation and accept there won't be a do over for your mistake.
I did that before and said I got in a car accident. Took a make up by self with my iPhone lol
Bruh ain't ask to see the injuries?
Similar situation but mine worked out way better than yours will:

Came diddy bopping into class like any other day and he starts handing out the MID TERM EXAM. I start freaking out until I see him slap my exam on my desk and it was a recycled exam and the previous taker had bubbled in the answers then erased them. I had no other choice but to follow blindly.

Bruh I never follow those answers
Might be because I proclaim anyone before me an idiot

Kinda srs
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- Find office hours
- be in front of his/her office before hand
- EMPHASIZE your regret & the importance
- Good luck & don't just take the L.

I know the feels, luckily i had those professors that drop the lowest. it s\just sucks to waste it on something like that.
Similar situation but mine worked out way better than yours will:

Came diddy bopping into class like any other day and he starts handing out the MID TERM EXAM. I start freaking out until I see him slap my exam on my desk and it was a recycled exam and the previous taker had bubbled in the answers then erased them. I had no other choice but to follow blindly.

Bruh I never follow those answers
Might be because I proclaim anyone before me an idiot

Kinda srs
Main reason I was never fond of cheating. Like if I knew I needed to pass I might give in but most times I'd be on my yolo don't give a **** and just randomly guess.

One grimy thing this reminds me of is when I was in History class ppl would cheat off of me and I'd purposely bubble in wrong answers before erasing and filling in the right ones or finish the test so fast they never had a chance to cheat :lol:
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Tell them you got pulled over and searched by the police... when they found nothing they let you go.

I used this excuse like three different times in college.

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can't you just go get a doctor's note and say you had stomach virus or something?
Same thing happened to me once, I overslept after taking some Zzquil the night before.

Test was taking place when I woke up, and I e-mailed my professor that my sister had gotten into a car crash as I was driving to the building where the test was taking place .... and we didn't know how bad it was .... that I couldn't have planned for this and would have of course been there if it were possible but I "just can't, I'm hoping you can understand my situation and where I'm coming from" and I purposely made the e-mail/text look frantic and included misspellings on purpose to ensure it looked like I was rushed and panicky.

What goes around comes around I'm sure, and that's cold-blooded and not a good look at all what I did.

But you gotta do what you gotta do when you're in that situation.

Professor let me come in the next day and take it in her office.
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