NikeTalk New Era Fitted Cap Release Thread

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I wish there was a way that we had to enter our NT sn and password upon check out to ensure that we and only we get an opportunity at this.

I know other forums do it that way when it comes to group buys or discount codes
Is there gonna be a link? A banner on ecapcity? How we supposed to navigate through the website to get the hat?
When ecapcity ****** up last week and put it up for sale, it was on the main page as the first item listed... I assume it'll be the same...
i'm up for the day all ready .. what you still doing up ? 
Man I'm a light sleeper, I heard a noise downstairs and I have a hard time going back to sleep once I wake up. It's good because I'm always alert but it's also a bad thing because it messes withy sleep cycle :smh:
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I woke up unusually early this morning. Had no idea the release was this morning. Hopefully I can get my hands on one. I wish the whole bot thing would die off.
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