What do you use for headaches?

Sep 16, 2003
Looking for an alternative to aspirin that have worked for others. I don't use it all the time, or even that often but more and more I want to lower my usage of pills when possible. Suggestions?
I get some realllly bad headaches/migranes, cause (this is gonna sound weird) i have 'multi-directional instability' in my right shoulder. What happens is my shoulder will come out of place, and if I can pop it (yes, loud sound pop) it back in, the pain goes away instantly, if not, the pain shoots up from my shoulder, to blade, to neck, boom headache. The solution? Lay down flat to relieve the "weight" on it

Long post but maybe if someone here reads this, they can suggest something for the headache portion of it?
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Warm towel across your eyes..
Massage temples
Hot chrysanthemum tea (nasty as hell but cures most of my ailments including headache)
Last resort BC powder(flavored kind), trying to get away from aspirin and ibuprofen. Long term affects of those products can cause liver disease.
Good Luck op.
Keep track of your water intake. I know the days I get bad headaches are always the days I don't get enough water... and dehydration is a big reason you can get a headache.

For me, staying hydrated and having some coffee or other forms of caffeine, will typically keep me headache free. When I do get truly bad migraines, I reach for excedrin or generic migraine medication, but I try to avoid it.
Keep track of your water intake. I know the days I get bad headaches are always the days I don't get enough water... and dehydration is a big reason you can get a headache.

For me, staying hydrated and having some coffee or other forms of caffeine, will typically keep me headache free. When I do get truly bad migraines, I reach for excedrin or generic migraine medication, but I try to avoid it.

Water intake is the reason for 90% of my headaches. So when I stop exercising the headaches come because I don't drink water as much
Yeah, same here. The problem is I drink about a gallon of water a day... so on the days where I don't get a chance to drink enough or if I'm at work all day, the headaches are unavoidable because I can't keep up with my high water intake.

So I almost want to drink less water everyday to avoid that 
Ice pack on my nose/sinus cavities, forehead eyebrow area and back of neck helps me when I have a really bad one and the meds don't work

also try deep breaths in through your nose out through your mouth.  Take in air and hold it for a few seconds then let it out slowly in spurts
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Warm towel across your eyes..
Massage temples
Hot chrysanthemum tea (nasty as hell but cures most of my ailments including headache)
Last resort BC powder(flavored kind), trying to get away from aspirin and ibuprofen. Long term affects of those products can cause liver disease.
Good Luck op.

Find the the reason why you getting it?, used to have headache this year but found out it was because my sinus and after I started using nasal spray subscribe from my doctor, I been good. But if all fails, let the bud clear it up :pimp:
Depends on the type of headache. I had a right-sided headache for a month and natural remedies couldn't help it. Finally I started reading about trigger points and found that I had a lot of tension in my suboccipital muscles (base of the skull). I bought a lacrosse ball and rested my head on it. With the ball in the pit of your skull, you turn your head from side to side (slowly) it loosens up those suboccipital muscles (painful). The first time I did it I stood up and felt immediate relief. There's also trigger points along the neck that can contribute to headaches, especially of the tension variety. You can pay to have someone trained in trigger point therapy to rub those out for $50 but for that same price you can buy the Thera Cane and become your own masseuse. Anyone who sits a desk for long periods and/or lift weights would greatly benefit from this.

Other things you might try for a quick fix:

Hot/cold packs

Amazon product ASIN B000PD1EU2
Amazon product ASIN B0011DHBNE
Peppermint oil (rub it on the area of pain)

Feverfew (a herb that is known to relieve migraines. Ginger would work too.)

B-vitamin complex

Magnesium oil (you rub it under your armpits and behind the knees. A lot of people are deficient and this is an easy way to get it into the bloodstream.)

Amazon product ASIN B001AD0HL8
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Keep track of your water intake. I know the days I get bad headaches are always the days I don't get enough water... and dehydration is a big reason you can get a headache.

For me, staying hydrated and having some coffee or other forms of caffeine, will typically keep me headache free. When I do get truly bad migraines, I reach for excedrin or generic migraine medication, but I try to avoid it.
Water intake is the reason for 90% of my headaches. So when I stop exercising the headaches come because I don't drink water as much
I swear on everything i was just about to make a thread about what to take for headaches

But yea most of the time it is water and stress that cause headaches.. I having been getting alot lately in either my left or right temple

I need to find out why im gettting them
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