iLLest needs our help!


formerly oxpenguin
Oct 13, 2012

"RACIAL PROFILING 101: So, I'm driving my new car (which I got a couple of weeks ago) 15 miles per hour down the streets of LA. Music was off and phone was in my pocket. Next thing I know I'm getting pulled over. "Hi officer, did I do something wrong?" "Yeah you don't have a license plate on your car." "Yeah, because it's 2 weeks old. It's a brand new 2015 from the dealership." "Hm. Do you have registration to prove that?" Gives him insurance AND registration. I then say, "Officer I'm pretty sure you don't pull over every single car with no plates. People DO buy new cars daily you know." I pull out my vlog camera and begin to document because I knew something was off. He then takes my license, comes back to tell me it expired on 1/22/15. I say "Yes, I was on tour, I just got back yesterday. I could be going to the DMV today." He tells me to get out the car because he is going to impound my car. (Obviously mad he's being recorded) THEN he spits out a wad of chewing tobacco. I say, "you're allowed to chew tobacco while on duty?" He smiles and says "no." I say, "well then what will happen if I tell them." He smiled and said, "They'll tell me to stop wink emoticon" this is complete BS and I personally believe discrimination at its finest. Had I not been a young brown guy with his hat backwards in LA driving a nice car I would NEVER have been pulled over. It boils my blood knowing NOTHING is going to happen to him for chewing tobacco. Officer Lee, Badge #38007, you haven't heard the last of me. And that I PROMISE!


EDIT: just saw he's wearing his own shirt 

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I'm his stunt double, I wore the yoga pants on that one video.
Talking to a cop like a smart *** and driving with an expired license?

Not the smartest move, regardless of color.

In before "a white boy would have gotten a pass".

A white boy would've probably gotten a pass, though. :nerd:
Damb fousey with the 2015 straight from the dealer no plates cause on tour type baller
Damb fousey with the 2015 straight from the dealer no plates cause on tour type baller

I don't even follow dude but I respect he made his lane and took off.

I remember the come up

Just goes to show.....
Were you actually going to the dmv? If not, then technically you're wrong. Impounding the car was prolly because you were talking slick.
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So he was riding around with no license plates and an expired license and when the cop did his job got mad and decided he'd use his "celebrity"status to get even?

FOH. I don't even got hate for dude like some NTers do but this is ridiculous and clown behavior like this just undermines true racial profiling and abuses of power. Petty *** *****.
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