Unethical Life Hacks

Apr 27, 2014
Here's a fascinating read:

Some of the hacks:

Wear a business casual outfit to a hotel in the morning. Walk through the lobby, take the elevator to a random floor, walk around. Pick up a mag or newspaper. Drape jacket over arm. Go back to lobby. Act natural. Pretend to read mag or newspaper. Walk to breakfast buffet. Free breakfast. Be polite as **** so you're not confronted by staff. Also probably helpful to be a white person for this one

If you have a test you haven't studied for, send a mass email to the class saying you completed the study guide and you'll swap with anyone who sends you theirs. When people send in their study guides, just send them someone else's as if it were yours.

Tell a woman you've never busted from getting dome. They'll rise to the challenge

Apparently if you're a complete psycho and in a relationship with someone whom you feel is out of your league and may dump you at any moment, slap a nicotine patch on them every night before they sleep and remove them in the morning before they wake up. They'll literally become addicted to you

Buy **** from Wal-Mart, use it, keep the receipt, and then return it saying it didn't work for whatever reason. Free item rental. Works great for items that come with additional perks (I.e. an Xbox or PlayStation accessory that comes with a month of free Gold or PS+)

Order something online. If it doesn't require a signature for delivery, claim you never got it. They'll send another one. Return the first one. I did this with video games once or twice as a teen.

File a stupid complaint against a fast food restaurant but act really offended by it. Get a free meal.

Sending a letter or small package? Put the address you're sending to as the return address and your own address at the sending address. Don't use postage and the mail will get sent to the return address.

On job applications, use your friends and families' phone numbers as references but label them with the the names of your former employers. Have them lie and give your new employers glowing remarks.

Send mail to large corporations, saying that you usually buy their products, but have been unsatisfied with your last purchase. They'll usually just send you a gift card for their stores to keep you happy. Just make sure it's a large enough corporation, and it's an actual letter.

Can't find a parking spot? Find someone with a ticket on their car, take it and park where you want, then put the ticket under your windshield. (HIGHLY UNETHICAL

If applying to a graduate college requires a written essay portion and you are not slathering your credentials, volunteerism, and skills with bs then you are hustling backwards. If you think that these colleges are fact checking EVERY essay to see if you helped coached a high school girls volleyball team back in 2009 then you are mistaken.

Corrupt a word file, so that it won't open correctly. When you need an extra day or two on an assignment, email the professor the corrupted file and ask in class the next day if they got your paper. It will give you at worst one extra day, at best a week.

If you poop at your job, you got paid for pooping.

Can't write a good job application or CV? Post a job advertisement on those free websites for a position in the area you are interested in entering. Have random people apply to your fake job advertisement and use those CV's to create a master CV for yourself.

Try to tell a few lies, but do it really poorly. Confess to being a terrible liar. Do this periodically for things that don't matter. Actual lies go undetected.

1. Go to TGI friday.
2. Tell them you are"Stripes" member.
3. Enjoy unlimited chips or fries, your choice.
4. Repeat.

No proof of membership required or asked by any server. (IDK about this one)
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On job applications, use your friends and families' phone numbers as references but label them with the the names of your former employers. Have them lie and give your new employers glowing remarks.

Corrupt a word file, so that it won't open correctly. When you need an extra day or two on an assignment, email the professor the corrupted file and ask in class the next day if they got your paper. It will give you at worst one extra day, at best a week.
I've heard of people wearing suits to hotels in the morning to eat at the free buffet.
damn...I've been life hacking forever aint e n o it
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Apparently if you're a complete psycho and in a relationship with someone whom you feel is out of your league and may dump you at any moment, slap a nicotine patch on them every night before they sleep and remove them in the morning before they wake up. They'll literally become addicted to you
I actually want to try this
I won't do it but it would be interesting to see.
Get one of your more dumb friends extremely drunk. Tell him that he totally has a chance with that hot girl. Presumably he goes over, touches her inappropriately, comes off as a jerk and says something crass. Then walk over, corall your friend, send him in the other direction faking concern for his well-being. Apologise to the girl in question and offer to buy her a drink in compensation, spark conversation from there. The reverse wing-man.

If you can pass for a college student then you can sometimes get free food from the dining hall.

Step 1: Dress the part. Torn jeans, a ratty hoodie, beat up Converse. Make your hair look messy. Go when you're tired.

Step 2: Fill a beat up old backpack with Tupperware containers, but include some notebooks and textbooks as well (used bookstores will have some for cheap).

Step 3: Go to a college campus around a busy dining time, mid-afternoon or early evening generally. If this college has multiple dining halls, go to the biggest and busiest one.

Step 4: When it's your turn to approach the podium to give them your student ID, start searching through your backpack. Then start searching more frantically with a panicked look on your face. Curse under your breath and say things like, "Did I seriously forget it again?!?!?"

Now here's where it gets tricky. Sometimes people do not care for your plight and will let you search that backpack for hours. If that happens, walk off like you're going to your dorm. But if some kind person asks what's going on, tell them that you've lost or forgotten your ID card and have to get to class soon so you can't return to your room to get it. Most students will have meals left over towards the end of the week and if the person is nice they will swipe you in with their extra meal. Technically it doesn't cost them anything, they use it or lose it.

At that point you thank them profusely, then go to the opposite end of the dining hall from them. Grab some food and start reading your book and writing in your notebook. Get up every once in awhile and bring back a reasonable amount of food and surreptitiously start putting it in tupperware containers. Repeat until containers are full and you have ~1 week's worth of food.

Put on a polo shirt. tuck it into Dockers. Carry a kinda beat up metal clipboard and look around at stuff.

You may now roam freely virtually anywhere you want. Just say, if asked, "oh I'm an adjuster, I'll be out of here in just a few"

If you're driving, miles from home, and need to take a wicked dump, find a hotel lobby. They have the cleanest toilets. (CAN CONFIRM)

To make quick cash, take some friends and go somewhere with really long lines (6+ hours) and numbers, like the DMV. Everyone grabs a number.

Leave one person there to wait.

Once the numbers are close (15 minutes) to coming up, find someone who's clearly in a huge rush but has money, like a businessman.

Offer to sell them your number so they can skip the line, for like $50. They'll take it almost every time.

Repeat with the rest of the numbers you have. Be sure to do this OUTSIDE the building, but where they can see the waiting room and number counter.

The person who waits gets 50%, other friends split the rest. Easy way to make a couple hundred dollars in a day for sitting around reading a library book.

I DID THIS MYSELF: Don't pay for your textbooks. Purchase the E-books through Amazon Kindle, copy/paste the .mobi files onto your computer, and then return the e-book for a full refund.

Empty out your vodka into a water bottle. Fill the vodka bottle with water and complain that you bought it like that.

If you want information from someone then give them the obvious wrong answer. 99% of the time they'll want to correct you and end up sharing things they don't know you want to know.


To sound sick when calling in to your work, lie on your back while hanging your head over the edge of the bed - you will sound congested. And frown, because your expression will affect the way you speak
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Apparently if you're a complete psycho and in a relationship with someone whom you feel is out of your league and may dump you at any moment, slap a nicotine patch on them every night before they sleep and remove them in the morning before they wake up. They'll literally become addicted to you :x :x

I actually want to try this :lol: I won't do it but it would be interesting to see.

Why would the nicotine patch thing work? I don't get it. They would feel the need to sleep next to you every night?
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Why would the nicotine patch thing work? I don't get it. They would feel the need to sleep next to you every night?
If they leave you for whatever reason they'll experience withdrawal and assume they really really miss you and probably try to make it work again
Crack in your windshield? Drive behind a truck that's filled with sand/ debris from a construction site. They usually have a number near the license plate or company name. Call in and say a rock cracked your windshield.
Free replacement. I don't recommend

In college and have a foreign name and an online class? Email the teacher and say English is your second language. automatic B if you do your work obviously. A teacher assumed I was a foreign exchange student. Easy A :pimp:

25 page college paper? Write about 20-21 and then change the period (.) size just a fraction more and youll get 25 easily. Obviously nothing too noticeable. (Really don't recommend but saved me in college can't even lie)

Buy a homeless person a meal and talk to them for 10 minutes. A lot of them have amazing stories/ experiences plus it makes their day. (Recommend)

Buy cheap backpacks and pencils notebooks and hand them out in the hood in the summer before school starts. Some kids really go to school with nothing. :frown: (really recommend)

Some interesting quotes I often think about. Possibly mental life back to help you.

"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."

Some arab poet not verbatim.

Look at a child and understand they have had less opportunity to commit wrong than you, look at the elderly and understand that they have had more opportunity to do good.
Buy a homeless person a meal and talk to them for 10 minutes. A lot of them have amazing stories/ experiences plus it makes their day. (Recommend)

Buy cheap backpacks and pencils notebooks and hand them out in the hood in the summer before school starts. Some kids really go to school with nothing.
(really recommend)

How are these unethical life hacks?
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