BattleField: Hardline - Available March 17th - (PS4/PS3/XB1/XB360/Windows)

I agree with this. I play with a full squad most of the time (all of us use mics ( and it's a blast. But when I play by myself and get my *** whooped and idiot teammates that do nothing, **** pissed me off lol.

I'm a true Battlefield dude, so all I really play is Conquest lol
my people only play blood money, i miss playing conquest... i could feast dolo but its wack when your 1 of 32 playing the objective
Yes it was. I'm trash.

Inb4 "anyone can do it if they're on prone."

Why would I be running around with less than 50% health. :lol:
Prone position dont matter most of the time... U still gt killed... M surprised u ladted that long lol... Generally its a quick shoutout
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Not bad.. i had a crazy kill yesterday in blood money... flew the chopper to the enemies vault... was getting shot up by a dude... jumped out the copter, threw a grenade , landed in front of dude, my grenade directly behind him... boom!!!!

About to save son presses the ps4 button amd ejects the disc... i was soo heated...

I got 20 GB of footage.. gonna make a crazy montage when i get my laptop..
Nothing irks me more than people playing objective based games for kills only. :smh:

With that being said, I play BF:H on Xbox One. Usually at night. Hit me up! GT: X Doc Holiday
How about when you're trying to capture a point and one of your squad members spawns on you and immediately runs off?

That really annoys me.
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