Fox announces X-Files revival... Vol. I Want to Believe...

I cant believe Im saying this but I hope they lay the show to rest. Its been great but with Gillian gone it wont be the same.
Even these past 2 seasons we got, you could tell for most of the episodes their hearts werent in it. It was just a paycheck. Im grateful we got these couple seasons but its difficult to bring back a show after 15 years and expect it to resonate the same way.
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I am actually okay with that "cliffhanger." Easily the best of the My Struggle series.

Glad they abandoned the whole global contagion plot which was ridiculous from the start.
I'm ok with this ending, I guess. Open-ended enough for more... but not so much that it could be deemed a series finale.

So wait... Skinner really died??? Why didn't he jump?!
Loved the series as a kid.

That said, do yall realize xfiles is happening right now irl? Look at what's happening in the white house and Washington daily. Lol this revamp won't have the same effect since the aura of govt officials/law enforcement investigations have been so trivialized in American psyche
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