What are you doing for your death?

Is it illegal to bury someone in your backyard? ^^^
To get a death certificate you have to list type of service (traditional burial or cremation) and place of disposition. The health department probably won't sign off on the death certificate if you said you were placing your grandad under the grill out back
I want my eulogy to be a Comedy Central style roast of me.

Everybody will be laughing and then having a BBQ afterwards with plenty of brews and whisky.
Cremate my a_, hire some strippers or "pros", don't tell 'em that "sand" is actually me in ash form, pour on clapping ******* and bootys.
if there is enough money to do it, I would like to be taken into orbit in a special vacuum-sealed coffin and released into space by one of those SpaceX vehicles.

Anytime someone dear passes, turn them into a rock and keep it as a family heirloom.

Imagine a necklace full of the dearly departed family members that gets passed down the generations...:smokin

Or a ring full of female family members which gets worn and passed to only females...:smokin

if there is enough money to do it, I would like to be taken into orbit in a special vacuum-sealed coffin and released into space by one of those SpaceX vehicles.

:lol: :pimp: I've actually heard of that. Hunter s Thomson built himself a rocket to blow himself up in before he died. More like a fire work than shot into orbit but still cool.
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Just drop me off in the trashcan and keep it pushing. Aint no need for nothing fancy. Not like I'll give a damn. I'll be deader than a sumbish.
I second that, i don't want to pass away young...maybe I'm drunk maybe not but this thread got me thinkin
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A perfect way in my eyes is build a car in my memory that mom and pops can enjoy and remember me and give it to the young ones when I die if I have any at that point in time. But whats probably gon happen is I'm gonna die in dese streets. Live by the streets die the streets b
I imagine I'm simply going to be kicked and rolled out of the brothel I'm in as I die of a heart brought on by too much MDMA and Viagra at the ripe old age of 83...
donate my body to science, maybe they can bring back dinosaurs with cells from my cockasaurus.
I don't want to my body put in a pointless and expensive casket.

Donate to science or throw my body into the middle of the ocean for the sharks
I'd like an Islamic burial, but more importantly I hope I leave my family in good financial standing and hope I left good memories for my friends
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