AJ XXX (30)

Since this is the XXX we should nickname every color way after a corresponding porn site. Like if they came out with a black and orange sbb looking colorway, I'm sure most of you already know which site they'd be named after.. Besides, each release will probably have some cheesy, official backstory or "inspiration" behind them anyway so lets put the good ol nt spin on it!

Whose with me?! Anybody..? It's easy:

Classic black and red colorway in traditional JB execution =



Bredtube :nerd:
i just saw the radio rahem retro 2 leak, that releases the same time period as the 30, so the 30 may leek early dec.... wonder if russ will wear it on xmas 
didn't know there was a "time period" for the XXX ?

what does one shoe have to do with the other ?  

don't throw out your shoulder reaching like dat ...
Doesn't mean it will live up to the hype cosmetically. It could still be an atrocious disaster.
Doesn't mean it will live up to the hype cosmetically. It could still be an atrocious disaster.

Well, that's nothing new concerning to Air Jordan designs. Since the AJ9 debut, Air Jordans have become love or hate shoes very much as their designs are usually very unique or extreme. AJ2011 was one exception as it's design was neither groundbreaking nor extreme. It was one of the few that actually reminded me of the 1996/1997 era Jordans but being built lightweight.
But I rather expect something more like the xx9 and less like the xx8 or 2012 for the upcoming release.
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I'm starting to wonder if they announce a 30 at all, or rather another new direction with the "sigs" like the 2009-2012 series
I'm starting to wonder if they announce a 30 at all, or rather another new direction with the "sigs" like the 2009-2012 series :nerd:

I doubt that because they must have figured out that the annual labelling wasn't a big hit idea at all. They should have kept using the Roman numbering for 2009-2012 making them XX4-XX7. :smile:
At this point skip the yr and if the 30 are just a XX9 improvement and supposedly the 31 is dope change as said prior in this post then scrap the 30 design and release the 31 as the 30. I want a big change for the 30 not a XX9 +.
i'm not holding my breath if they don't drop the 30 this season. they skipped a season between the 28 and 29 with the SE in between. with the 29 low just coming out, i have a feeling they might do the same thing again. 
I doubt that because they must have figured out that the annual labelling wasn't a big hit idea at all. They should have kept using the Roman numbering for 2009-2012 making them XX4-XX7.
I know that... I meant more like what if they announce something else. like a new series of sigs or something. idk some sort of attempt to make the sig seem like a bigger thing. Maybe an air Jordan "elite" series where they remaster older jordans. and I mean truly remaster not create them closer to what they originally were... i don't even know why the word remaster was used for that because it doesn't make sense... that's not remastering. idk could be cool like that video they showed one time of 11s made out of a stronger material that didn't shift so much when cutting.
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I know that... I meant more like what if they announce something else. like a new series of sigs or something. idk some sort of attempt to make the sig seem like a bigger thing. Maybe an air Jordan "elite" series where they remaster older jordans. and I mean truly remaster not create them closer to what they originally were... i don't even know why the word remaster was used for that because it doesn't make sense... that's not remastering. idk could be cool like that video they showed one time of 11s made out of a stronger material that didn't shift so much when cutting.
cool point, but those just don't sell. i.e. the Alpha 1; the performance was great on those and the pylon midsole with full length zoom was awesome. in the blk/red cw it even looked great. i always wonder what if they just keep the upper of the regular 1 instead of the full synthetic upper, would people buy it then? or say making the 4,5, & 6 retro, but replace those brick midsole material they now use with phylon and replace the air unit with zoom. imagine how much better would these retros be to be played in. 
I know that... I meant more like what if they announce something else. like a new series of sigs or something. idk some sort of attempt to make the sig seem like a bigger thing. Maybe an air Jordan "elite" series where they remaster older jordans. and I mean truly remaster not create them closer to what they originally were... i don't even know why the word remaster was used for that because it doesn't make sense... that's not remastering. idk could be cool like that video they showed one time of 11s made out of a stronger material that didn't shift so much when cutting.
cool point, but those just don't sell. i.e. the Alpha 1; the performance was great on those and the pylon midsole with full length zoom was awesome. in the blk/red cw it even looked great. i always wonder what if they just keep the upper of the regular 1 instead of the full synthetic upper, would people buy it then? or say making the 4,5, & 6 retro, but replace those brick midsole material they now use with phylon and replace the air unit with zoom. imagine how much better would these retros be to be played in. 
What? the shoe gods didn't come down and smite your feet for placing them in alpha 1s?
I know that... I meant more like what if they announce something else. like a new series of sigs or something. idk some sort of attempt to make the sig seem like a bigger thing. Maybe an air Jordan "elite" series where they remaster older jordans. and I mean truly remaster not create them closer to what they originally were... i don't even know why the word remaster was used for that because it doesn't make sense... that's not remastering. idk could be cool like that video they showed one time of 11s made out of a stronger material that didn't shift so much when cutting.

The remastering you mentioned sounds not bad, as some older AirJordan models truly had performance/design flaws.
The outsole of the AJ11 overall are bad when playing in mild dusty courts. The upper is too soft and does not lock down the feet enough.
Concerning remastering, the AJ12 retro from 2002/2003 could be considered as the sole and cushioning improved over the OGs. But the quality of leather decreased at the same time.

Concerning the main Air Jordan line, we already had variants coming out since the AJ 16 either labelled as +, .5, SE or light. Concerning Kobes and LeBrons, those have been divided in standard and Elite releases.
No matter how they call the next Air Jordan, they should be an interesting looking basketball shoe with really good performance fearures.
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cool point, but those just don't sell. i.e. the Alpha 1; the performance was great on those and the pylon midsole with full length zoom was awesome. in the blk/red cw it even looked great. i always wonder what if they just keep the upper of the regular 1 instead of the full synthetic upper, would people buy it then? or say making the 4,5, & 6 retro, but replace those brick midsole material they now use with phylon and replace the air unit with zoom. imagine how much better would these retros be to be played in. 
that's what I mean. Like try their best to keep the overall look and just use some of these newer materials. More or less upgraded retros
What? the shoe gods didn't come down and smite your feet for placing them in alpha 1s?
those were great shoes and a great tribute. one of the only shoes i wore casually and then can still put them back on indoor courts without any slippage. 
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At this point skip the yr and if the 30 are just a XX9 improvement and supposedly the 31 is dope change as said prior in this post then scrap the 30 design and release the 31 as the 30. I want a big change for the 30 not a XX9 +.

It's always been in Jordan Brand's nature to take design cues from the previous model and imprint it into the next model whether that's tech, design, material, etc. I don't expect JB to go off the beaten path to that respect but I do hope they do something dope for the 30.
cool point, but those just don't sell. i.e. the Alpha 1; the performance was great on those and the pylon midsole with full length zoom was awesome. in the blk/red cw it even looked great. i always wonder what if they just keep the upper of the regular 1 instead of the full synthetic upper, would people buy it then? or say making the 4,5, & 6 retro, but replace those brick midsole material they now use with phylon and replace the air unit with zoom. imagine how much better would these retros be to be played in. 
Jordan 2.0 and 8.0

Uppers streamlined, modern cushioning used, herringbone traction, etc. I really like how both of those feel on foot but I swear I still see them on clearance racks now and then. My dream would be an 11.0. They already had the carbon fiber in the midfoot; just update it to flight plate. Use flyweave for the fabric upper. There's a pod in the forefoot traction; slip that proplate zoom there.
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