IT professionals? Hacker?

Sep 5, 2014
I  was seeing an IT guy a while back and it's a weird story but he found out things like my last name and my residence when we first met. I didn't think it too weird because everyone googles people they meet whether they admit to it or not. It's just some embarrassing things have been happening lately and is there anything else he could have done from just having my number and IP address?

Are programmers also hackers? I probably sound silly but  I needed to ask. My friend said it was silly in the beginning but I don't  know. He bragged that he could find out a lot of things using very little information.
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It's too late. Homeboy already hacked da mainframe and is flourishing with your nudes :pimp:
Funny story, there is an app for android (rooted) that lets you see what people are doing on the web when you are connected to the same WiFi connection.
kellyrep's threads...
You're doing this on purpose.

You don't even want legit responses anymore do you?
It's too late. Homeboy already hacked da mainframe and is flourishing with your nudes
What worries me is the possibility of him going through my emails, my messages, social media, and seeing what I do online and not being invited.

I just hope I'm overthinking. It just seems like this guy knows where I am.
How were you seeing a guy and he "found out" your last name?
We met and I gave him my first name and number. He then told me my last name when I asked him his last name through conversation. He said exactly what I wrote.

Btw, it wasn't my real number. Just the one I use when I first meet someone and not quite sure about them.
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Nevermind. I've been reading a bit and think it can only happen through attachments.

Thanks for trying to scare me even more though..
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