Is Bruce Jenner Trolling?

Haha! Hell yeah, that's a big chick. Looking a lil buff too. Ole Shawn Michaels looking...
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Just caught up on this thread.


The LIONBLOOD revelation tho

So school me on this, I like transgender women that are feminine, I dunno if I'd go as far as dating or smashing one. Talk me into it.
i mean, i can't talk you into doing anything you don't want to, but i will say this. i date people for who they are, i'm not concerned with labels, whomever makes me happy & whomever i make happy is who i'm with. the only reason i have an attraction to transgender women is because i dated a woman for about 7 months that didn't tell me she was transgender & when she finally did, my attraction, love & affection for her didn't change. i didn't appreciate her dishonesty, but i can see why she was worried with such a negative connotation & outlook placed on trans women. do you & remember it doesn't make you any less of a man for doing so, forget what everyone else has to say, live for you & make yourself & whomever you choose to date happy, that's all that matters.
The Spike Lee gif :rofl: never seen that before

"We in the last days" :rofl: sounding like a straight Jehovah's Witness
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Idk how true it is but I heard one of those random websites radar something said the Kardashians contacted ESPN and requested the award in exchange for plugging ESPN on their shows
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