Bears ouchea evolving vol......hell no.


not real.. physically impossible with their center of gravity

What I came in here to say.

Actually it is real.

Earlier in the day, I read the story about that bear. It pretty much has a deformed spine due to abuses it suffered while captive on a bile-harvesting farm. The deformity permits it to walk on 2 legs much more easily than walking on 4.

But that's just what I read...could be false...

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I'd hit the bear with multiple German suplexes b

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“Ok, first off, a suplex??? With a bear in his forrest?
Bears don’t even like wrestling.
If you said shoot it with a rifle, or some sort of military grade weapon, that’d make sense.
But you find yourself in the forrest, his territory, I’m assuming its in the wilderness so its vast, coming up against a full, grown, 1000 lb bear with his razor sharp claws and monstrous teeth.
You lose that battle. you lose that battle nine times out of ten.
And guess what, you wandered into their home of bears and they now have a taste of blood....theyve communicated with other bears .theyve communicated and said, ‘you know what? People tastes good. Lets go get some more people.’
Theyll develop a system, to establish an attack and aggressively hunt you and your family. And they will corner you, your friends , your children, your offspring.
They will construct a series of disguises with leaves and brush. They will be able to be unseen for certain amounts of time. Its not going to be hours...maybe 30 ...20..minutes. No problem. That will give them enough time to figure out where you live, go back to the forrest, get more disguises and then stalk you. You just lost at your own game. You are out gunned and outmanned.
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