Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS

:lol: if this is news to you

Guess who created the taliban and supplied them and the mujahideen in afghanistan??

Thats right good ol uncle sam

Guess who was chillin wit clinton in da white house?
 I'm not afraid of ISIS...... all this is bs to involve us in another war we don't need......Clinton is a warmonger just like these other Republican idiots.....

Our military could blow them all to shreds 3 times over without 1 troop on the ground but instead we'll send thousands...and the cycle continues.
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Not sure how legit this is.. i just did a quick usa isis google search and ran into that. 
I take it "reliable" means from CNN, BBC, MSNBC, FOX, etc. The corporate CIA/Pentagon controlled media is unreliable. Break those chains

What does it mean when the president of Judicial Watch adheres to the same political ideology as Fox News? He even frequently contributes to their programs.

He's described Obama as a "racial extremist" who stole elections thanks to a "food stamp army" and also said that Muslim civil rights organizations in the US are "fronts for terrorist groups".

So'd be wise to exercise some discretion when it comes to this guy and his group.
this source is not reliable...

any other links to story?
I take it "reliable" means from CNN, BBC, MSNBC, FOX, etc. The corporate CIA/Pentagon controlled media is unreliable. Break those chains
You could elaborate and provide more information. Or I guess you could just call people sheep. Very informative and useful posts!!
If this is groundbreaking news for anybody at this point then that's just sad.

There's 3 type so of people

People who don't know any better.

People who awoke.


People who know the truth and for nefarious reasons support the media, the propaganda, the brain washing, the genocides, the war mongering.

That's it.
has anything negative that has come out of the middle eastern countires ever NOT been the fault of a western zionist conspiracy to NT?
I think "America created" is a little much. Isis "leaders" have been coming from all parts of the world. Everyone knew that. Title is just click bait
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My thing with this kinda stuff....okay. oh my god YOU'RE RIGHT. John McCain IS cool with ISIS. 9/11 WAS a conspiracy.

Now what?! Folks that claim to be enlightened and so arrogantly look down on the rest if us....what's different now that you're "enlightened?" How are you living your lives differently now that you realize our entire existence is based on a lie! OMG!

Did you quit your job, cut off all communications with friends and family, and go underground like like Gene Hackman in Enemy of the State?! Are you flying to DC and protesting outside the white house every day and handing out pamphlets filled with truth to strangers?

OR, are you still living the EXACT same life, working for "the man," but spending a lot of time on the internet talking down to people because they don't buy into random propaganda?

I was halfway interested i at least reading the story from the link, knowing it wasn't true. But the pic of McCain chilling with ISIS? And yall believe that? LMAO
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I could argue that ISIS is the result of the Sykes-Picot secret agreement from 1916 between France and Britain that split up the Ottoman Empire into "countries" without considering any of the ethnic and religion differences across the ME regions. This in turn led to the subsequent neo-colonialism that is still going on and was certainly directly or at least indirectly the motivating factor for the creation of ISIS. However, one of the most important causes here is the US' tacit approval and supports of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia (main oil partner) and the suppression of secular Islam in other ME countries including Afghanistan. So whether blow-back or intentionally engineered conspiracy, the US has dirt on its hands, but you knew that.
What does it mean when the president of Judicial Watch adheres to the same political ideology as Fox News? He even frequently contributes to their programs.

He's described Obama as a "racial extremist" who stole elections thanks to a "food stamp army" and also said that Muslim civil rights organizations in the US are "fronts for terrorist groups".

So'd be wise to exercise some discretion when it comes to this guy and his group.

That just lets you know stupid some people can.get....

Obeezy has done absolutely none of those things.

If this is groundbreaking news for anybody at this point then that's just sad.

There's 3 type so of people

People who don't know any better.

People who awoke.


People who know the truth and for nefarious reasons support the media, the propaganda, the brain washing, the genocides, the war mongering.

That's it.

If there was ever a time for an Alonzo x weebey collaboration... this is it
Well, I was wrong. The lizards are a godsend.

But isn't that a bit short-sighted? What happens when we're overrun by lizards?

No problem. We simply unleash wave after wave of Chinese needle snakes. They'll wipe out the lizards.

But aren't the snakes even worse?

Yes, but we're prepared for that. We've lined up a fabulous type of gorilla that thrives on snake meat.

But then we're stuck with gorillas!

No, that's the beautiful part. When wintertime rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death.

US Foreign policy since the end of WW2 in a nutshell.

Sweet. US intelligence has finally caught up to the average mans common sense

Nonsense. The US Intelligence community has never been good at this game. This is not a recent slide into mediocrity.
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Title is misleading lol.

They jacled alot of weapons from us left over from 03 tho.

im more afraid of American police and government than any terrorist on earth.

He dont really feel that way.

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