Donald Trump is running for president

-He has done stuff in the past that has signaled he really does believe some of the nonsense he spews

-At some point, there is not difference between a real racist and a pretend one.

-If he is pretending, then people still have a right to be upset that he would spew this level of ignorance just cause.

-And how can you shake your head at people not believing your hypothetical scenario. I don't get it

What evidence can you present that the scenario you talk about in the first paragraph is what is really going on?
this .
When Trump announced his candidacy I couldn't help but think that is was done to troll and divide the GOP more than it already is. It is known that he has been a longtime friend of the Clintons. If this was the plan all along and it succeeds I will just lmfao haha! He pretty much single handedly got rid of all the serious, potentially dangerous candidates for the Democrats especially Jeb Bush. Had it not been for Trump, he would've been a strong front runner. He isn't crazy, he speaks fluent Spanish. He could've had lots of support for sure. The other guys are mostly bought by the Koch brothers and all have extremist views. These are the guys who funded the tea party. Cruz actually wants to get rid of the IRS haha. That means getting rid of government completely since it cannot function without taxpayer money. We all know how willing we would all be to pay taxes if jail wasn't the consequence of non-payment.
I'm lowkey scared of the possibility of someone level-headed like Kasich on a Drumpf ticket,he'd probably be able to court some not so crazies to their side in moderates and independents on top of delivering a key swing state in Ohio which could end up giving them pretty good chances in the general
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When Trump announced his candidacy I couldn't help but think that is was done to troll and divide the GOP more than it already is. It is known that he has been a longtime friend of the Clintons. If this was the plan all along and it succeeds I will just lmfao haha! He pretty much single handedly got rid of all the serious, potentially dangerous candidates for the Democrats especially Jeb Bush. Had it not been for Trump, he would've been a strong front runner. He isn't crazy, he speaks fluent Spanish. He could've had lots of support for sure. The other guys are mostly bought by the Koch brothers and all have extremist views. These are the guys who funded the tea party. Cruz actually wants to get rid of the IRS haha. That means getting rid of government completely since it cannot function without taxpayer money. We all know how willing we would all be to pay taxes if jail wasn't the consequence of non-payment.
I highly enjoyed Trump's trolling of Jeb throughout this debacle.

The reason why liberals sometimes don't want to hear from conservatives is that most conservatives have very little to say. It's the same couple of talking points: "blacks are the real racists because they talk about race," "Obama is letting the terrorists win and Bush kept us safe," "Most KKK members were, at one time, Democrats," "Obama is a socialist," "minimum wage will destroy lots of jobs." It gets tiresome constantly having to explain over and over and over that "racism is power plus prejudice," "9/11 happened on Bushes watch and Obama is ruthlessly droning people all over the Muslim World," The South Strategy, "Obama's cabinet has been full of people from the private sector" and employer monopsony power.

I have a lot of friends who are conservative and/or libertarian and while I often times disagree with them, I can have a great conversations with them because they are historians, economists or otherwise well informed people who don't bog down the conversation with canned talking points.

I know that some of the conservative NTers are smart and have a large body of knowledge at their disposable, please use it and ditch the platitudes. We as liberals NTers are the majority so, let's be as fair as possible and treat exchanges as conversations and not competitive debates.

Wow, you sure sound privileged here. You should check your male privilege.


Agreed on your points. When the discussion isn't bogged down with name-calling, I learn quite a bit from NT fam.

Honestly you'll have to the list the conservative posters to read, because i've learned nothing. The ones I actively see here are blocked due to the same regurgitated ******** rhetoric.
Only thing I've ever learned from a "conservative" on here is how racist and ignorant they are.

It's the Fox News effect. Even though a lot will deny watching that garbage, they are the news channel with the highest ratings. It's really horrible. If you don't know any better, they would get you to believe that our President is a Muslim, terrorist, criminal, not American, hates this country, wants to destroy his country, is a socialist, communist, basically anything they want to call him. Then you have all these angry people who feel like their President is betraying them, when it's actually Fox that is really messing with their heads. They see Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity and they think these guys are smart and since it's a "news" channel they actually believe that they are getting facts. They don't realize that this "news" is whatever Murdoch, the Koch Brothers, et al tell them to say.
The way he's inciting people is crazy. Someone is really going to get hurt and he's going to go, I didn't tell them to do anything. Yet, he's indirectly urging his people to go cause problems for Bernie and Hillary.

Obama opened the closet, and Trump is going to push the nuts out who don't want to lose "their" country.
Y'all just see that trump supporter pastor on CNN looking like a straight fool trying to defend his "come to Jesus" comment on Bernie Sanders? :lol:.

This is like an episode of the boondocks man. Pure comedy. Pastor Mark Burns. :smh:
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Y'all just see that trump supporter pastor on CNN looking like a straight fool trying to defend his "come to Jesus" comment on Bernie Sanders? :lol:.

This is like an episode of the boondocks man. Pure comedy. Pastor Mark Burns. :smh:

Bruh I was rolling, dude was quoting Scripture and everything he know he done F'd up. Stuttering all over the place, Donna checked his clown *** real quick.
Wth are you talking about? I did not say that. I said y'all can pin point s troll online but can't point one out dead on your face in real life.
You keep saying this and you keep ignoring when ppl ask you who are you talking about. Who can't see the troll in real life? WHO?
If I didn't hit you, why you hollering tho? [emoji]129300[/emoji]

Eyes wide shut
Like I said before whether you're right or you're wrong what does it matter?

So what?
Bruh I was rolling, dude was quoting Scripture and everything he know he done F'd up. Stuttering all over the place, Donna checked his clown *** real quick.

When she said she was disappointed in him.....I knew exactly what she was talking about :lol:
Smh i think England may finally be better than the us.... sad day

I wouldn't go that far. Have you seen how they act in the House of Commons? It's like a f**king pub over there lol! The majority and opposition just diss each other and everybody laughs!
When she said she was disappointed in him.....I knew exactly what she was talking about :lol:

It was definitely code. He should be embarrassed for himself, his family and anybody who has to listen to that drivel.
But i am all for Trumps safety concerns. He is arrogant but he wouldnt be here today if that wasn't the case.
Trump will not build a wall he would need for so many things to happen for it to go up. Ban islams no it will never fly.. he does all this to catch your attention and guess what he did. USA is vulnerable to attacks right now i feel out of all the candidates trump protects this country the best. Screw all these bills and promises they make 80 percent of the time we don't see a difference in change
But i am all for Trumps safety concerns. He is arrogant but he wouldnt be here today if that wasn't the case.
Trump will not build a wall he would need for so many things to happen for it to go up. Ban islams no it will never fly.. he does all this to catch your attention and guess what he did. USA is vulnerable to attacks right now i feel out of all the candidates trump protects this country the best. Screw all these bills and promises they make 80 percent of the time we don't see a difference in change

Trump would be a disaster. He has no experience treating people with respect. He can't just go like "you're fired!" every time someone tells him something he doesn't want to hear. He even said that, Speaker Ryan "would pay the price."
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