Lemme Put Y'all On. Vol. Usually Cici's is disgusting but

I live next door to a cicis. One weekend my nieces and nephew came over and spent the night with my son so me and my girl took em all to cicis the next day. I tried this and while it was the best pizza they had, would not willingly go cop on my own.

And to son who said Mac n cheese is nasty he obviously never had it made from scratch by a black woman from the hood.
This thread subliminally prompted me to go to cici's. All you can eat for 6 bucks plus desert plus a few of the girls that work here are hot=not a bad deal.
I love CiCi''s idc idc idc

I'm over 30 years old, I'm in the 91st percentile of income earners in America and I eat there once a week

With all that being said that macaroni pizza sucks.

Dat Spinich tho
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There's a place in LA that does this that I've tried. It's pretty bomb.

I'm tryna gain papi, it's all good

people on NT calling each other papi and daddy now? :smh:

this whole gay rights has liberated a lot of you recently huh...

i wonder whose going to be the first to start the homosexuality appreciation thread?
I love Mac & Cheese. But I don't love it that much lol.

Just how Pizza Hut has that hot dog crust. So gross.
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