Anyone take melatonin?!


formerly maroki
Sep 13, 2012
Apparently its banned in europe and canada becus it can be cotaminated. In the US it is completely legal...

Melatonin is used to have a good nights rest..will have you sleepy in about 30-hour. Not recommended for long term use
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It works

Never tried it tho. Don't trust drugs that make you go to sleep
It works

Never tried it tho. Don't trust drugs that make you go to sleep
For real. I've had prescriptions for all sleep meds. All bad news. If you have sleep troubles just blaze. Even if you don't like it and only for sleep. Ambien is especially bad.
Lol i wont rely on it...i would jus drink if it comes down to it. Its not that serious
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Yeah I was taking like 4 or 5 pills a night toward the end of probation. :lol:

I know everyone can't blaze. But take it from a man who's tried hella sleep meds. It's by far the safest one with no side effects. Not for everyone but if you can you should consider it. Or eat if if you aren't down with smoking.
stay away from all sleeping pills if possible

crazy side effects, issues when you try to stop taking it

so many more remedies you can and should use before relying on sleeping pills
I guess I must have not been taking enough.. Didn't feel it that much

As was said above, ambien gives you very vivid wild dreams.. Like I felt like I was in that state where I was fully aware I was sleeping and trying to fight to wake up because of the dream and couldn't.. Then I would just jump up
Was on it for a little while. Actually took 3 my first time but stopped cause sometimes I'd wake up and feel really dark & empty on the inside. Dreams were real vivid after, thought a couple of them were really real. :lol: I'd recommend it for the occasional sleep aid but not being on it consistently
Same thing for me. You nailed that explanation way better than I could describe.

I'd also hear voices in my head when I was on the verge of sleep. It was conversations I had always had that day. It was super creepy and I don't even know if I was asleep or awake. But one time I took ambien and forgot I took it because I got side tracked. I remembered when I started hearing voices when I was wide awake. Stuff is too much. Stay away.
took it once, had some wild dream and felt like crap when i woke up.

never again
Take ZMA

have you busting nuts in ya sleep wild vigorously
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Melatonin works great. It never made me sleepy, but when I fell asleep I stayed asleep.

It does make you feel groggy the next day though, which kinda defeats the purpose IMO.
I used to take ambien and man i hted that **** so bad but kept taking them. I finally got rid of em and started takin melotnin and just weened my self off sleep aid.

Melotnin is the ****. I kinda wish it gave you a drowsy feel but it just feels natural. Your awake, then next thing you know you wana go to sleep. You sleep deep. Ive mever woke up groggy from melotonin.
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I never took it because I read it messes with your natural production leaving you dependent on it or going through the process of having worse sleeping problems until your bodys natural production kicks in again.
I take it, helps me sleep and stay asleep. I don't feel groggy when I wake up either. Usually take it an hour before going to sleep.
I have before, and it made me feel drowsy the next day. 

If I have trouble sleeping I stick with chamomile. 
I have pretty severe insomnia and this did nothing for me. Didn't notice any effect at any dosage. Still took me 4-5 hours to fall asleep.

I currently take 30mg of Mirtazapine and 2 7,5mg Zopiclone pills to sleep.
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Dont do anything on your bed except sleep and sex. No caffeine after 6. No electronics 1 hour before bed.
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