Nobody Here Dips or Chews Doe?


Aug 15, 2014
Man I won't even front, I used to dip my *** off playing high school and college lacrosse.  I had to lay off that **** when I got gold grills though 
 Anyhow, I remember it was an old poster who said he actually got gum cancer from the **** 
 In a lacc of sports to watch currently I'm following baseball and golf, and jesus I want a pinch of Skoal 
Used to be on that General snus.

I tried snuff. For some reason my boy had a can. It's nothing exiting. Would not do again.
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Just about as often as I smoke. No more than 5 times a month or so.

Nothing like some Copenhagen on a Friday after work and a couple beers.
Just about as often as I smoke. No more than 5 times a month or so.

Nothing like some Copenhagen on a Friday after work and a couple beers.

disgusting. i hope you seek treatment.

really though, As much as i played baseball growing up i never could get into it.
My old boss used to dip and drink a bottle of Pepsi everyday. He would use the pepsi bottle for his spit after he drank the Pepsi. :x

He had pearly white teeth which always puzzled me.
I'm from Texas. All my white friends and their mom's do. Seriously.

The first time I felt any kind of "high" was on chew. 9th grade locker room after off season football practice. I actually liked it. Tasted like raisins and I felt this warm calm.


Dip is basura.
Tried dip once. It's disgusting
I got props for not puking my first time.
My gums tingle just thinking about it
I work at a freight company and 90% of the white dudes chew. Then they spit in clear bottles n **** be having ya mans feeling sick watching that ****.
Remember one time in college we slept over my boys girlfriends house and her roommates went to sleep and my boy decided to pack a lip. I was already tipsy on the come down so I said screw it and packed a lip of my own. After 5 maybe 10 minutes I got really dizzy and ran to the bathroom to vomit :lol: never again
DipSet DipSet DipSet DipSet.

I don't mess w/nicotine myself.
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Got a king size RAW cone in my mouth right now though. Pause

Getting shaded under a money tree.

(im actually blowing at my desk in the crib, I like to dream tho)
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Tried to be a tough guy when I was much younger and decided to chew. It lasted a day or two. I accidentally swallowed it (PAUSE) and was sick for about an hour. Never again.
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