Coed Baby Shower

All black and Hispanic people that I know including my fam always did a coed baby shower didn't know people that didn't do it that way until I was around white families.dead ***
This lol....

Every baby shower ive been to as a black dude has been coed. Every single one.

Does everyone not do it this way? It's just a baby shower my guy... Feign like you care, eat free ****, have a good time, wish the couple luck, get faded, bounce.
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Hispanic baby showers is just an excuse for a turnup, guys and girls invited, liquor involved and usually goes to about 5am
Excuse me but when I first read the thread title I was thinking about something completely different on some why would babies need a coed shower? Shouldn't they be taking baths? or is this about a coed bath? :lol: :smh: @ me

As for this, it's been my experience that coed baby shower parties have always been a thing. Like since the late 90s. There's nothing new or odd about it to me. So it doesn't qualify as a last straw or attack on "men being men"

Don't see the big deal.

Also just from a yamb acquisition standpoint do you know how many fine females show up at baby showers? I mean baby showers nowadays are only about the baby for the gift portion. Everything else is getting drunk and having fun.
Went to my first one back in march. Had a good time. Had these bishes mirin from a distance but I had to curve em :smokin
OP is suspiciously sensitive about his masculinity....

the **** a babyshower got to do with a transgender celebrity?

sus thread is sus
All black and Hispanic people that I know including my fam always did a coed baby shower didn't know people that didn't do it that way until I was around white families.dead ***

This is actually a thread? :lol:
It's like tipping .. We gotta do it even if we feel they should just raise prices to cover and get rid of that concept in the restaurant
Coed baby showers is just an excuse to party. Besides op you might be around some ladies whos ovaries are going to be feeling some type of way take advantage bruh
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