Help! Cant tell if these infrared 11 are fake!

Aug 31, 2015
I bought these off of kixify a few days ago and they just delivered.I bought them off of a user that had 100% feedback and had sold around 50 shoes. These 11's were listed as 100% authentic. I feel like the sole doesnt have enough of a blueish tint to it.
Sole tint and Jumpman spacing are def suspect. Jumpman should not be touching the leather or fabric where the 23s are printed.
These are legit bro, mold is a little weird at first especially if you are not used to seeing it all the time.
I'm still a little skeptical though because the jump an on the heel looks pretty sketchy
That's a promo shot above and here's my pair below:

See the jumpman size difference and quality of stitching between the pair you posted and the pics above? That's also why I am skeptical. Just throws the shoes off for me.
Thanks man, I'm pretty sure there fake. The bottoms are way to white, I was comparing them. Thanks for the help though
I messaged the guy I bought them off of and he said the shoe had 2 series one with a bluer sole and one with a whiter is that true?
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