Am I the only one that completely lost hope for people in general?

I stopped believing in people years ago. Every time I turn on the news. Someone is dead or in jail. I'm immune to it all...
I agree with a lot of what's being said in here.

I think that fact that people are legit looking at Donald Trump as a presidential candidate itself says how stupid people are.

People have always had hateful tendencies, but social media just exposes us to it much more. Too many keyboard warriors out there who want to spout their hateful thoughts on social media.

And I agree with the VMA thing. I haven't paid attention to the VMA's probably since I was 14. The fact anyone takes them seriously baffles me. The fact people actually were that upset/bothered by what Kanye said at an event that he was more than likely trolling everyone at is comical. The VMA's are a joke. Miley Cyrus is a joke.

Why was my facebook newsfeed Monday morning full of people talking about how much they hate Kanye and them talking about his speech, yet nobody gave a damn about Miley's 12 year old boy looking self's horrible presence? She sure as hell is not a positive influence on the youth in anyway. If anything, people like her are contributing to the thought process a lot of these females have today.

The remedy is to mind your own business.
I don't mean that to be a sarcastic jerk.
I mean it to say, pay attention to your goals and what you want out of life.
By pursuing those goals you'll meet the kind of people you want to meet.

#Allfacts repped.

I feel like people that get this jaded spend too much time on the Internet.

Get some fresh air, have a real conversation.
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I've realized that people do what they have to do in order to survive. Unfortunately, being ethical, moral and genuine isn't tangibly beneficial and in many situations, it will have you coming up short. That's why people are cutthroat, it's basically to get a dollar, and money virtually guarantees survival. I've never been the type to eff someone over for my financial or emotional benefit.
I never thought that an average person would be so ****** up until I started reading the comments sections on Youtube and news articles.
I had these thoughts and realizations when I was 11 and 12 b.

Never lose hope. There's a flip side to all of this when you meet more ppl and really experience all that life has to offer specifically with human interaction in this society and experiencing other civilizations.

I've wished the worst, thought mankind was scraping the bottom, had twisted perspectives, etc. but you just gotta be aware of history. That alone keeps the hope going. Even now I bet some ppl would say I'm not the most optimistic, a cynic, and a bleak world view but I aint giving up on my fellow man.

Besides all that it makes no sense having this sort of weight of hopelessness on you while you still living your life.

Stick with it and you might surprise yourself while humanity surprises you or at least try doing that until the Earth can't sustain us anymore and we all die.
Women are having that male mindset based off their personal issues, so when a good person comes along with interest, they treat them like crap!

I agree that a lot of people are detached from the human experience these days. But I think you should reconsider this notion. This idea that women are adopting the "male mindset" has been perpetuated by women who want to be liberal with their sexual exploits and overall sexuality. Fact of the matter is that this is a human mindset, because women have been doing dirt for just as long as men. Don't let this feminist rhetoric that promiscuity and chauvinism are specific to only men. Both genders do dirt, and it's equally wrong when both genders do it. Cancel that male mindset stuff. That's what these broken women out there would prefer you to believe because it's convenient for their agenda.
If you want to lose even more hope in society, go on Facebook and read comments from Fox News lovers on different articles.

I still can't figure out what these old ignorant white people are doing in an article posted by Complex. It's like they just search for articles about Fox News and go off. Smh.
I've finally come to accept the fact that people are all kinds of messed up.
It could be something stemming from childhood, unfair situations they've dealt with in life, plus just normal imperfections of being human, but you can not just expect people to be normal these days. I used to always give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that everyone is placed with a remnant of sense and the ability to rationalize as an adult. No more. People are wild, b.
It's like, people aren't genuine anymore. Most people don't want to look out anyone,but rather, see you fail for what ever your goal/dream is.

No one wants to be committed to the opposite sex in reference relationships anymore. People think being cold/heartless is "cool" for their self fulfillment.

Women are having that male mindset based off their personal issues, so when a good person comes along with interest, they treat them like crap!

Social media is probably the worst thing that have ever been created because of people portraying fabricated lifestyles.

People don't want to actually communicate verbally over the phone anymore because of text messaging, which in my opinion, is very impersonal.

People don't want to ask questions anymore in reference to getting to know someone, so they just rather continue to be shallow and go based off looks of the person.

It's so much more, but I've seriously lost hope for people, B!

A1 thread !! This guy knows !! [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji]

Life is over brother, embrace the thotlife !! If you decide to marry, go over sea's !! Good luck [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji]

- Much luv, stay freshhhhh !! :smokin :smokin :smokin
I watched about 5 minutes of the MTV awards this weekend and it reminded me how much I hate our generation.

I watched the first 5 minutes of the vmas and realized how wack this era of music is. Besides a few artists this new generation is corny to me in general. Eventually people are gonna get burnt out with social media and all the dumb trends that come with it.
Lol i watched the first 5 minutes and realized my era is done and changed the channel. Terrible music and everything about this new generation is corny to me.
I legitimately feel like this when I hear some of the stuff these kids are listening to and seeing the trailers of movies they're watching:

I don't wanna be one of those old cats talking about my generation was better...but,I feel like none of these young cats today are genuine it's like they are constantly acting.Their whole lives are fraudulent,doing things for "Likes" and "The Lulz".Im glad FB and Twitter didn't exist when I was in high school..
Its Steve Harvey sellout ***

Ladies must act like a lady but think like a man

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