Can we examine prepper culture?

Jun 1, 2013
I've been doing some serious thinking and I think they get a bad rap.

Preppers often are religious zealots or conspiratorial right wing nut jobs...but one thing they're doing right is knowing how to protect those they care about.

I've been watching their videos and how tos and stuff. I mean they got some real crazy off the grid ish.

I seen a guy build his own mini hydro electric damn. I seen a guy up in the mountains with solar panels and like a whole farm set up. Seen videos with dudes with guns on guns and shooting tutorials. Dad can shoot. Mom can shoot. Older children can shoot. Youngers learning to shoot. 

I seen Bear Grylls x1000. Starting fires with absolutely no tools. Just taking vine from trees and sticks off the ground and making

Its really got me many of us are really ready for some messed up stuff to happen??

I'm just saying its some interesting stuff I don't know about but kinda feel like I should..

What do you guys think??

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Wtf is a prepper? I never heard this term before
Is it like a hipster?
the VERY VERY VERY majority are not ready for a SHTF event, but that is when we must band together...someone might have cultivation skills, hunting skills, sheltering skills, and teaches ever

i really like this quote...

"Community is what will save us. You're gonna have to do it in conjunction with your neighbors and your family and the people around you. You will fall as a rugged individual; you will survive as a member of a tribe or family..." Michael Ruppert in Collapse
im not the biggest proponent of gold but a decent amount might be beneficial

7 Reasons You Should be Saving in Gold

by Daniel Ameduri

When it comes to saving a portion of your earnings, an error most people make is to save their wealth in man-made currencies. These currencies are controlled by central planners, regularly manipulated, and created out of thin air without regard for the value of the currency you have in your wallet.

In the digital age, accounts holding these currencies can be frozen, easily confiscated, and tracked.

I personally advocate saving in gold or other precious metals like silver, palladium, or platinum. A combination of truths lead me to this simple savings strategy:

7. Lawsuit proof, not technically, but the fact is no one knows how much gold you have, it is a private matter. Gold is “off the books” when it comes to financial accounting.

6. A history of being money, an independent unit of account that is the same no matter where it was mined or how old it is. It is a constant measurement of value, you can take a gold piece anywhere in the world and it will have value. This is much different than a fiat currency, once outside of your nation’s borders, a currency may not be generally accepted. You also have thousands of fiat currencies that no longer have any value, like the U.S. Continental or the Confederate States of America dollar.

5. It can’t go to zero.  Zero value for gold isn’t an option, hasn’t ever happened and never will. The process to get a 1 ounce gold coin to you has hundreds of man hours behind it, maybe even thousands if you consider the full operation of gold exploration, production, refinement, and delivery.

This is the entire point of saving your wealth, you save to not lose. I understand that you can measure gold vs. the dollar, or gold vs. oil, and that its price will fluctuate, but the value in gold itself does not change.

4. The currency printers are hoarding it. When the most powerful group of people in the world, the central bankers, desire to have 1 asset, then that alone should get your attention. Central banks who print the currencies that the masses treat as a store of value, those central banks buy and store physical gold, not silver, not houses, not oil, they own gold! If it is good enough for the masters of this world, then it’s good enough for me.

3. Financial insurance.  When it all hits the fan…Be that a government or economic collapse, at the end of the day, gold survives. It still has value in the new world. It also makes for a great “start over fund” for the reasons listed above, it won’t go to zero and it’s private money.

2. Portable.  I think it’s important that if you need to, you could easily carry or move your wealth to a different region. Just to give you an idea, $200,000 in gold is about the size of a VHS tape. Your fiat currencies are typically tied up over the weekend and on bank holidays; in fact, even if you wanted to physically get your cash, you couldn’t unless you gave your bank a 72 hour notice for withdraws over $5,000.

1. Legacy wealth.  Gold is something you can safely store away knowing that it is something of great value that you can pass on to your children and your children’s children.

It is a safe stash of value that you can tap into when you are in your “golden” years or at anytime throughout your life.

Ultimately when you are saving a portion of your earnings, you want to protect and preserve it. Gold, in my opinion, along with the other precious metals, are the best way to achieve the objective of saving money  by preserving both the value of your savings and protecting it from unwanted dangers, like government and civil litigation.

You can follow Future Money Trends  via their web site or subscribe to their free Weekly Wealth Digest  newsletter for regularly updates wealth building strategies and global commentary.
[h1]Survival Food Series: 25 Survival Seeds You Need For Your Garden[/h1][h1]Tess Pennington [/h1]
Ready Nutrition  

Living off the land sounds as inviting as Christmas dinner.  But many have hardly had adequate experience being “farmers.”  In fact, many have had no experience at all when it comes to planting anything.  That being said, the day is slowly approaching where each of us may have to trade in our company identification badges for a shovel and a pair of overalls.  Educating yourself on farming topics such as mirco farming, planting for the seasons, natural insect repellents,seed collection  and seed storage  could help prepare for an upcoming economic crisis.  Learn about how many vegetables or fruits the plant will yield.  It is truly an experience when it comes to the first garden.  And the plants have many things to teach.
[h3]Start Practicing[/h3]
The only way to be fully prepared as far as growing plants is concerned is to practice, practice, practice.  If the economy takes a turn for the worse, then the gardening knowledge and skills acquired from practicing will come into play at this time.  Initially, when beginning to plant a garden, start small and work your way up.  Have a small garden plot or do container gardening if you are short on space.  Make sure the seeds that are purchased are heirloom or non-GMO varieties.  The seeds from these varieties will continually produce.  As opposed to hybrid varieties that will only produce for one season.

With each gardening experience will come more wisdom on how to handle a larger garden.  When researching what types of fruit and vegetables will be grown, think about what your family will need for an entire year.  Keep in mind that if you are lucky enough to have any livestock, grains and grasses will be needed to be grown for them to consume.  Any size family will have to have multiple plants.  One plant per family member would be essential if you had a small hobby garden.  You must think on a larger scale.  You are planting a survival garden.  And this is exactly what it means – to survive.   Plant enough plants to have for food as well as to have left over for canning  and preserving for the winters.
[h3]Survival Seeds[/h3]
These seeds that were chosen were based upon their yield quantities, *ease in growing, nutritional content and for the season they are planted in.
  1. Asparagus – Although this plant variety takes a few years to get started, it will come back each year thus keeping you continuously supplied with a harvest.
  2. Barley –Can be planted in the spring and winter and has the best results when planted early in the season.  This grain has loads of health benefits and a variety of purposes.  Such as feeding livestock, grinding the grains for flour, as well as making beer. Barley is high in dietary fiber and magnese.
  3. *Beans – Beans should be planted in the early summer.  One of the easiest vegetables to grow.  Beans have different varieties such as pole beans and bush beans, kidney beans, etc.  Pole beans begin and end earlier than bush beans.  In comparison, pole beans give a high yield production.  A stake is needed for the pole beans.  Staggering your plantings will give continuous yields.    Beans are very high in fiber, calcium, Vitamins A, C and K.
  4. *Broccoli – Plant seeds in mid to late summer to be ready for the fall harvest.  One of the easiest vegetables to grow.  This plant has a tendency to give yields past it’s first harvest.  And can take light frost with no problem. Broccoli is a good source of protein, Vitamins A and K.
  5. *Carrot – Carrots prefer cooler weather and should be grown in the fall, winter and early spring.  One of the easiest vegetables to grow.  High in beta carotene and vitamin A.
  6. Cauliflower – This vegetable is a cool season vegetable.  It harvests over a short period of time and cuts out a high head yield.  High in dietary fiber, Vitamin C and K.
  7. Corn  – This is a warm weather crop and should be planted after last frost.  Has a good amount of proteins, calcium and iron.  The plant will produce two ears per stalk.
  8. *Cucumber – This is a warm weather crop.  This is one of the easiest vegetables to grow.  There are large varieties and smaller varieties for pickling.  Continuous picking increases the plants production.  Cucumbers are good sources of Vitamins A, C, K and potassium.
  9. Eggplant – Eggplants are warm weather plants and should be planted after last frost.  This night shade vegetable is high in fiber, antioxidants, and a good source of vitamins B1 and B6.  This is a very versatile vegetable to cook with.
  10. Kale – This green is considered a superfood due to its high vitamin content and very easy to grow.
  11. *Lettuce  – Plant two weeks before last frost as well as in the fall 6-8 weeks before the first frost date.  One of the easiest vegetables to grow and one of the earliest crops to harvest.  There are many different varieties that offer different nutritional content.  This plant grows quickly and harvest can be extended by taking a few leaves at a time.  Lettuce is packed with essential vitamins and proteins, iron and calcium.  Vitamins such as A, B6, C, and K.
  12. Melon – Plant 4 weeks after the last frost as these fruits are intolerant to cold weather.  Cantaloupes and Melon varieties need lots of space to grow.  Getting the dwarf size of these fruits can save space.  One melon plant will produce two melons.  Good source of fiber, B6 and folate.
  13. Okra –Plant 2 weeks after last frost. This vegetable has a variety of uses such as in soups, pickled or canned.  High in vitamin A, K and folate, and calcium.
  14. *Onion/Garlic – One of the easiest vegetables to grow.  Plant onion in mid to late October.  Onions can be pulled earlier and used for green onions.  A good source of dietary fiber, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, folate and potassium.
  15. Peanuts  – This is a hot season plant and should be planted in April until Early June.  Peanuts are a good source for healthy fats, Vitamin E, protein and antioxidants.
  16. *Peas  – This is a winter loving plant who is resistant to frost.  One of the easiest vegetables to grow.  There are many varieties of the pea plant, such as shelling, snap, snow and sugar pod.  Most varieties are fast growing.  This is a good source of protein, fiber and has a good source of 8 different vitamins including vitamin A,  B6, and K.
  17. *Peppers– Grow after the last frost.  There are many varieties of peppers as well as choices on if you want them to be hot or mild.  Sweet peppers are one of the easiest vegetables to grow.  The more peppers are harvested, the more the plant will produce.  Peppers are high in Vitamin A and C.
  18. Potatoes– Plant 4-6 weeks before last frost.  1 plant yields 5-6 young potatoes.  Potatoes are high in fiber, Vitamin B6, Potassium and Vitamin C.
  19. Pumpkin– Start pumpkin seeds in the late spring.  Pumpkins require lots of room for the vines to grow.  Pumpkins are packed with vitamins such as thiamine, niacin, Vitamin B6, folate, iron, Vitamin A, C and E.
  20. *Radish  – Can be started 4-6 weeks before last frost.  Many have had success growing radishes in the fall as well.  One of the easiest vegetables to grow.  They are very tolerant of weather conditions.  Radishes are high in Vitamin B6, dietary fiber, Vitamin C and iron.
  21. Spinach– Spinach grows best in cool weather.  However, there are some varieties that like warm weather.  Many call this a super food based upon it’s large array of vitamins such as Vitamin A, C, iron, thiamine, thiamine and folic acid.
  22. *Squash  – There are both summer squash and winter squash varieties.  One of the easiest vegetables to grow and most are prolific producers.  Picking squash regularly encourages a higher yield.  A Good source of Vitamin A, B6, C, K, and dietary fiber.
  23. * Tomato– Plant tomatoes in the late spring and again in the late summer.  One of the easiest vegetables to grow.  Tomatoes are a good source of Vitamin A, C, K, E, Potassium, thiamine and Niacin.
  24. Turnips/Rutabagas  – Seeds should be sown in late May or early summer.  Turnips are fairly disease free and easily cared for.  The greens as well as the root can be eaten.  Turnips are high in B6, Vitamin C, Iron and Calcium.
  25. Wheat– Winter wheat can be planted from late September to mid October. This is the preferred variety due to the nutritional content as well as the protection it gives the soil in the wintertime compared to spring wheat.  Spring wheat is planted in early spring. This is one of the most commonly used food crops in the world.  Wheat is high in copper, zine, iron and potassium.  Planting a 10×10 plot will yield between 10-25 loaves of bread. Moreover, wheat can be sprouted for added nutrients or trimmed for wheat grass in fresh juice.
Other seeds to take into consideration are crop cover seeds such as hairy vetch or clover.  These crop covers loosen up soil as well as gives the soil nitrogen to feed the plants for the next season.  These crop covers are also food for livestock such as cattle, sheep and rabbits.  When the crop cover is mowed, the cuttings can be used as a natural mulch.

Having a wide array of food choices when times get tough will keep spirits up, nutrition high and give each person a high amount of energy.  Do research and find the best plants for you and your family.  Become familiar with planting cycles at a local level.  Finding pertinent information regarding soil conditions, natural fertilizers, and germination of seeds can get you ready for a good planting season.  The more prepping you do on this, the better your family will eat when they need food the most.
I know tons of preppers and off grid folk. I got several place to take my family if **** hits the fan.
One of my friends made everything he has from underground bunker to outdoor shower.

One of my boys who lives a regular life keeps a bag in his trunk , forgot what he call it, Doomsday bag or somthing.
He got flashlights, batteries, rope, silver, knives, couple water bottles, hatchet, first aid and a whole bunch other stuff.
I think its pretty wise to atleast keep something like that around cus it dont gotta even be end times. That stuff can help in
a regular disaster which seem to happen regularly.
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@NazDrowie   repped. 

im not the biggest proponent of gold but a decent amount might be beneficial

7 Reasons You Should be Saving in Gold

by Daniel Ameduri

4. The currency printers are hoarding it. When the most powerful group of people in the world, the central bankers, desire to have 1 asset, then that alone should get your attention. Central banks who print the currencies that the masses treat as a store of value, those central banks buy and store physical gold, not silver, not houses, not oil, they own gold! If it is good enough for the masters of this world, then it’s good enough for me.
I take issue with this only because it discounts the value of other commodities. Physical materials all have some measurable value. So owning silver is still better than owning iron which is still better than owning nothing. 
There won't be a major apocalypse / war anytime soon.

Trust me on this. Obama told me so over drinks last week.
also, one of the most versatile plants that can be grown is Cannabis...besides its medicinal and recreational uses, hemp has a ton of industrious uses and can flourish in just about any climate...hemp is also considerably stronger than cotton fabric wise...
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also, one of the most versatile plants that can be grown is Cannabis...besides its medicinal and recreational uses, hemp has a ton of industrious uses and can flourish in just about any climate...hemp is also considerably stronger than cotton fabric wise...
Think I saw on MSNBC the demand for hemp has been going up as of late
A friend of mine has really gotten into this pretty heavy recently. He was showing me where he buried his guns and was telling me about the 'shemitah' and how the world markets are going to crash and it's the 'end of the world.' He's also has a good supply of can goods, more power to him I guess.
Wtf is a prepper? I never heard this term before

Is it like a hipster?
Preppers are people who are preparing or "prepping" for an apocalyptic/collapse of civilzation scenario.

Examples include but are not limited to:

How they gonna prepare if skynet and judgement day comes? They can't stop terminators unless their future selves send another terminator that looks Austrian to save them.
I have 10k rounds of 5.56 for my AR15 rifle. I have no training and have only shot it once (dry fire) so I consider myself very dangerous if someone tries attacking me or stealing my stuff.
At the end of the day, if the gov is evacuating ppl you cant take none of this stuff with you. the skills, knowledge and network is the most important thing
At the end of the day, if the gov is evacuating ppl you cant take none of this stuff with you. the skills, knowledge and network is the most important thing
Exactly...which is what the post is really about. These people can more or less flourish no matter the scenario. I think thats incredible. I know how to survive urban and rural poverty. But beyond that I cant do much for myself. My greenthumb is pretty not green.
All I know is if you studied in STEM or took up a trade you're pretty much set...learning business skills isnt as immediately useful.
True. Im a creative type (and I always grew up idolizing Macgyver :smokin) I like to think Im pretty crafty. But I wish I knew a trade like carpentry on something. I know ultra basic agriculture like water, seeds, sunlite, n watch it grow lol. But I dont know that, x grows best in this season, or seeing x bird means theirs water nearby. I want some skills that trancend my city environment. I wanna be further away from being the type who dont have they cell or day planner and hyperventilate. Shhiii, without cellys, ppl dont even know they own mother phone number.
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Seems like u could prep all you want but unless you know exactly how things will play out then you'll likely still be unprepared. All your preparations could be wiped out in an instant under certain circumstances.

Also, gold is false hope. All metals, they're worth no more than paper in theory.
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