HOW CAN I IMPROVE MY ------ VOL. stroke

you got bobby brown mouf b?

OP hopping outta helicopters doing roundhouse kicks

And I thought this thread was gonna be about something else. Idk about eyesight, but I can tell you how to step ya pipe game up, pa :pimp:
OP hopping outta helicopters doing roundhouse kicks

And I thought this thread was gonna be about something else. Idk about eyesight, but I can tell you how to step ya pipe game up, pa
this dude let you know bout your pipeprint in them cold skreets 
Real talk how do I last longer out here? My stroke legit but I'm trynna give them powerful backshots for a straight 10 at least. Not the regular joint I'm talking that viscous pounding when u done ya pelvic region hurt.
Real talk how do I last longer out here? My stroke legit but I'm trynna give them powerful backshots for a straight 10 at least. Not the regular joint I'm talking that viscous pounding when u done ya pelvic region hurt.

Think of Another Man
Slow down your breathing. Rymithic breathing
Eat carrots
I be thinking about baseball cuz that **** so boring but when I go into pound mode from the back, once I look down at the wave its ov
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