Still the first preseason game against a 73 win team that added durant. Obviously, they are incredibly sharp and we are not. 

If we're playing like this in a week i'll be worried. This is just embarrassing, but it isn't an indictment. 

I'm not worried; more annoyed, especially because it happened against GSW.
Losing this game, hell losing this game by 20 or w/e wouldn't have been bad, or eyebrow raising. It's the preseason

But losing it by 50, is kind of alarming.

Beyond that, the reason why it's kind of alarming on the Clippers behalf is  because we've won once in the Oracle (preseason, reg season, playoffs,) since 2014 and have won like 1 time in the last 9 meetings against them and quite a few have been blowouts. Naturally, IMO there may be a psychological thing building with LAC in the oracle so to lose by 50 to this team with the aforementioned circumstances suggest that it may not be just a regular preseason game. If this were any other team it wouldn't be nearly the eyebrow raiser for me but I can't dismiss this fully as just a preseason game when we never win here to begin with.

But then again, even at our best we probably won't be able to beat them anyway.

On to Toronto. 
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Losing this game, hell losing this game by 20 or w/e wouldn't have been bad, or eyebrow raising. It's the preseason

But losing it by 50, is kind of alarming.

Beyond that, the reason why it's kind of alarming on the Clippers behalf is  because we've won once in the Oracle (preseason, reg season, playoffs,) since 2014 and have won like 1 time in the last 9 meetings against them and quite a few have been blowouts. Naturally, IMO there may be a psychological thing building with LAC in the oracle so to lose by 50 to this team with the aforementioned circumstances suggest that it may not be just a regular preseason game. If this were any other team it wouldn't be nearly the eyebrow raiser for me but I can't dismiss this fully as just a preseason game when we never win here to begin with.

But then again, even at our best we probably won't be able to beat them anyway.

On to Toronto. 

They're in our heads. It's pretty obvious at this point. They also are really good. Tough combo for us to overcome.
I might be alone on this but I don't give two ***** about this game. Even if we won by 50 I know it wouldn't mean ****. They're obviously better than us but we'll see what things look like in May. Anything can happen between now and then.
I might be alone on this but I don't give two ***** about this game. Even if we won by 50 I know it wouldn't mean ****. They're obviously better than us but we'll see what things look like in May. Anything can happen between now and then.
you don't lose by 50 on purpose
Lmao, repped. Well played

LOL. I don't even know what the dog saying even means. Like, my dogs bark all the time when they're just sitting on the couch. And then there's those dogs that do long jumping competitions. Pretty sure they bark while airborne. But I digress...

My thing is, I just don't think this team has that we-should-beat-everyone swagger that real contenders need, at least not against the Warriors and whoever LeBron is playing for. But teams can gain and (lose) that edge quickly, so I'm not giving up.
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It's those damn red jerseys man. Every single time we wear those things at GS we get stomped by 30 plus. Not saying we havent lost in the other jersey but those red jerseys man.... Ok im reaching. Im with erupt107th I could care less about this game. Lets where we are 15 to 20 games into the season. we should have no more than 4 losses.. I hope

Whatever we end up doing or not doing this season, didn't change because of last night and that's pretty much how I'm taking it. 

Whatever we end up doing or not doing this season, didn't change because of last night and that's pretty much how I'm taking it. 

I'm with you, but there's really no away around the fact that the Dubs have basically owned us since we beat them in the playoffs a few years ago.
And to make matters worse, I'm in the Bay Area today and just had to drive by Oracle. Yuck.
I might be alone on this but I don't give two ***** about this game. Even if we won by 50 I know it wouldn't mean ****. They're obviously better than us but we'll see what things look like in May. Anything can happen between now and then.

agreed. don't care 1 bit about a pre-season game. lose by 1, lose by 50. its still just the first pre-season game. to make a big deal about it is crazy.

especially with a a great shooting team, playing at home, in a sold out arena, in a playoff crowd atmosphere, in their first game adding a piece like durant, against an arch rival. come on now.

clippers starters scored 15 points
gsw starters? 75 points

and it is a direct reflection of how much time those units stayed on the court

CP3 played 12 min
redick 14 min
blake 17min

curry 23 min
durant 25min
klay 21 min and had 30pts
green 22min

i don't think anything more needs to be said on the topic
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I know its preseason game but man we got emberassed. Even when our starters where out there we looked bad. Hopefully its just rust but GSW looked good and fluid and we kept making boneheaded plays. Blake looked great but CP3 looked out of it. DJ didnt do anything and JJ was cold.
Blake Griffin man. Looked good last night, looks better tonight. His jumper looks so good. Shooting with confidence. 
Felton needs to play more than Austin and Jamal.
-  Blake's jumper looking good. Law is right, he really is a top 5 talent. He's unbelievable when he's got his head on straight. Getting better defensively, and consistently being aggressive in high crisis moments will determine how far he's really come along.
Hope he's a Clipper for life. Long as he stops putting paws on 5 foot dudes.

Felton was a pleasant surprised tonight. Mo is the blackest of black holes.
-  Blake's jumper looking good. Law is right, he really is a top 5 talent. He's unbelievable when he's got his head on straight. Getting better defensively, and consistently being aggressive in high crisis moments will determine how far he's really come along.

I know I'm a little biased, but I honestly think only LeBron has a better combination of size, athleticism and basketball skills. It really is just a matter of being consistent, keeping his composure on the court at all times and delivering when it matters most.

The whole clip is a great example of the versatility of his game, but in particular you see the effects of him shooting 3's can have on a defense at 1:17. Just the fact that he'll shoot them now opens up a wide range of new dynamics to the team. Makes them much harder to cover and look at the space that was created on Blake's pump fake and drive from the 3 point line.

I don't think 2 attempts per game is out of the realm of possibility and I don't think it should be either.
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