Is NOT Having Children Considered a Selfish Act?

Oct 13, 2001
agreed...not having children is selfish,  we need to keep adding to man's legacy...

matter of fact, even the bible says "go forth and be fruitful," its mans duty to pass on his seed and the more he does it, the better he is... 
I saw this in another thread.
If your progenitors struggled for hundreds of years to allow your life to be possible and you decide the line stops with you, I think that is a bit selfish. Especially if your family hasn't accomplished or contributed to society.

But then again, if your family has always struggled and never contributed to society and only taken, why continue that line of failure? Kidding obviously.

It's a personal choice. Most of the time pregnancies are unplanned any way. We like sex and kids come from that. There's a reason sex feels good. It's because if the act of creating a life was anywhere close to the difficulty of protecting, guiding, providing for and nurturing that life, mankind would cease to exist. There are a lot of ****** parents out there.
Is it weird I knew the author of this thread the second I read the title?

And NO I don't think is selfish, if you see yourself unfit to have children and care for them, you are doing society a service by not procreating....most important you not bringing a child into this world to lead a **** life.
Don't want children

I grew up in a single parent household

I do t even want to risk putting a child of mine through what I went through

It's not for everyone I just know it's not for me and the lifestyle I want to live

If they call me selfish then so be it.

So dude would rather have unfit parents getting kids and giving them a bad childhood than having no kids?


I have little to no empathy, I don't think I'd be a good father. I'd rather not have kids than be a bad father.
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Don't want children

I grew up in a single parent household

I do t even want to risk putting a child of mine through what I went through

It's not for everyone I just know it's not for me and the lifestyle I want to live

If they call me selfish then so be it.


I grew up in a single parent household as well, so from seeing the financial struggles my mom went through trying to raise me, and on the other side of the coin, seeing the issues my dad had with trying to pay child support...I really don't see myself having a kid.

I'm only 23 now so my opinion may change in a few years, but right now having a kid is my worse nightmare lol
You cant perceive the depth of a humans feelings famb?
I had a terrible father which resulted in my lack of empathy being a sort of psychological self-defense mechanism.

I can perceive feelings well and can manipulate extremely well but I just have a hard time truly caring about something or being emotionally affected.

Generally people describe me as charismatic, friendly and helpful but others such as my psychologist and my mom label me as being constantly extremely manipulative and having a severe lack of empathy. You'd only really notice in situations like the death of a family member, accidents, ... That stuff doesn't affect me much emotionally. 

The reason I'm scared of having a kid is that I'm not sure if I could show the proper affection to raise a child with the love and care it deserves.
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If he thought like that you wouldn't be here

You can be better than your father famb.
My progenitors struggled, why the hell would I want to bring someone into this world AGAINST their will so they could struggle through life. I don't consider life a "gift", I was perfectly fine with non-existence. I didn't have to deal with ignorance, violence, disease, and a long list of life's ills. If anything it's selfish on the part of family members who they have something to gain by bringing another life into this mess. 

If you didn't notice I took both sides of the argument and then said what I really felt. If people do or don't want kids, more power to them.

Raising kids is hard work. I never wanted kids either, but I wouldn't change things now that I have them. That said, two is all I think I'll have.
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I'd argue it's more selfish to have kids than to not. We live in a world with finite resources. In my opinion, it's very selfish to bring another life into the world, especially when there are hundreds of thousands of kids who need a home having been given up by or taken from their biological families.

To those who think not having kids is selfish, how do you justify bringing another life into a world where there is already a large amount of children who may spend their entire adolesence in foster care?
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If biblical morality and ethics was practiced today people would be murdered for mowing their lawn on Sundays.
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i feel people who dont want to have kids are selfish, and knowing people who dont want to have kids they tend to be very selfish individuals.
Should those said selfish people have kids if they are in fact selfish?

I don't think that would be a good idea
Bringing a kid into this world that you don't want because the world says you should is selfish

.. and dumb as hell

i feel people who dont want to have kids are selfish, and knowing people who dont want to have kids they tend to be very selfish individuals.
No, we aren't talking about the individuals, we are talking about the "act" of not having kids.

How is the "act" of not having kids, selfish?
I'd argue it's more selfish to have kids than to not. We live in a world with finite resources. In my opinion, it's very selfish to bring another life into the world, especially when there are hundreds of thousands of kids who need a home having been given up by or taken from their biological families.

To those who think not having kids is selfish, how do you justify bringing another life into a world where there is already a large amount of children who may spend their entire adolesence in foster care?
no it isnt.  we are biologically hard wired as humans to want to procreate. thats just how it is. let me guess, you also believe the world is "overpopulated"? it has nothing to with "finite resources" or too many people and everything to do with human greed. 

because of other people's negligence i should not want my own family? that's pretty ******ed logic right there

and Andretti, yes, selfish people should not have kids but that doesnt change the fact they are still selfish
No. If you can't support said kid that you bring into the world. You're sparing your potential child a life of difficulty and hardship.

Yes. People who are generally adamant about not having children are selfish people themselves. Everything about them from their lifestyle to the way they interact with people reflects that value. Having a child requires sacrifice and commitment which is something they don't want to give up.
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