Question...Who Decided Homosexuals Could Have The Rainbow??? Vol. Dibs?

Jan 5, 2011
I hate that the rainbow is the symbol of homosexuality. Like, how is that fair. You calling 'mine' on a weather phenomenon b? Like, how is everybody cool with that? Rainbows are dope as hell, but you stare at one after the rain storm too long and cats think you creeping out the closet? You wanna throw on some busy p air force ones, prepare for some tough questions. Dudes thinking you sus rocking Nuggets throwback English joint. Ireland has no prob with this? Cats just forgot about Leprechauns b? They didn't hav the market share locked on rainbows at one point?

When, Why, and How did that become the symbol?

I had a chick tell me in high school 'the rainbow itself isn't gay, you can wear rainbow colors, just not the purple, the purple is the gay color'


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It's actually an inverted rainbow. Or the color spectrum upside down.
I thought homosexuals just took the rainbow as a symbol of their own. It's not the official symbol for them, is it?
rainbows are created when two shafts of light cross swords while the air is damp, which is why it got adopted by the LGBT community 
I mean, it's not really that big of a deal, it's not like they have proprietary ownership of all rainbows. They could've chosen butterflies. Or camels. It's colorful and flamboyant which matches the (stereotypical) homosexual.
I'm trying to remember the last time I saw a rainbow :smh:
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Seen a rainbow on the highway the other day after a storm.

Joint was dope as hell.

Woulda copped if i could.
I hate that the rainbow is the symbol of homosexuality. Like, how is that fair. You calling 'mine' on a weather phenomenon b? Like, how is everybody cool with that? Rainbows are dope as hell, but you stare at one after the rain storm too long and cats think you creeping out the closet? You wanna throw on some busy p air force ones, prepare for some tough questions. Dudes thinking you sus rocking Nuggets throwback English joint. Ireland has no prob with this? Cats just forgot about Leprechauns b? They didn't hav the market share locked on rainbows at one point?

When, Why, and How did that become the symbol?

I had a chick tell me in high school 'the rainbow itself isn't gay, you can wear rainbow colors, just not the purple, the purple is the gay color'


:rofl: :rofl: Sound like@FlyNY b :lol:
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