Morehouse undergrads or Alumni or any HBCU Students chime in

May 12, 2008
I’m a freshman in high school and i know my choice of college is important. “my dad will tell me the college you choose will determine the women you will marry etc etc” which is true which i don’t want to make any silly mistakes picking the wrong college that doesn’t fit my goals.

Morehouse men please chime in and tell me what the experience is like. I don’t know yet what i’ll be studying yet since I’m just frosh. But i’ll think about it during my junior year

how’s the spelman yambs?
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you've been here since 08 and you're just now a freshmen in hs?  wow

anywho.  I went to an HBCU, i liked it but I also regret not stepping out of my comfort zone somewhat
I would advise against going to Morehouse or a HBCU in general TBH. Morehouse is insanely expensive and you're not getting nearly worth the money out of it. 

If you're going on a scholarship/ someone else is paying for it, more power to you. You gotta pay for it? NO NO NO

-Morehouse grad
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you've been here since 08 and you're just now a freshmen in hs?  wow

anywho.  I went to an HBCU, i liked it but I also regret not stepping out of my comfort zone somewhat

I’m using my bro’s account mines got banned :wow:

which hbcu what you mean comfort zone you didn’t play field?

what BS did you graduate with?
I would advise against going to Morehouse or a HBCU in general TBH. Morehouse is insanely expensive and you're not getting nearly worth the money out of it. 

-Morehouse grad

What is B.A. did you graduate with?
And what do you do for living ?
I’m a freshman in high school and i know my choice of college is important. “my dad will tell me the college you choose will determine the women you will marry etc etc” which is true which i don’t want to make any silly mistakes picking the wrong college that doesn’t fit my goals.

I wish I had a time machine so I could send you into the future about two or three years after college just so you can read this paragraph.
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I wish I had a time machine so I could send you into the future about two or three after college just so you can read this paragraph.

Homie I’m just trying to do well in college, i know their will be regrets with debt and all that jazz but i will hustle to the wheels fall off.
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Applaud this man for thinking about college this seriously as a freshman in high school. I know I wasn't giving it serious thought back then outside of what my parents told me to think about.
Morehouse is legit if you come from a Family that can afford to send you. And if you are planning to major in something regarding Liberal Arts, I wouldn't enroll in college lol.
Homie I’m just trying to do well in college, i know their will be regrets with debt and all that jazz but i will hustle to the wheels fall off.

Morehouse and Spelman is where majority of the Fortune 100 companies go to fill their quotas for Black employees, so depending on your major you will see a decent ROI, but if you have to fund it all with Loans I would not go, maybe look at a State HBCU, or something like Howard (I think its like 10-12k cheaper a yr than AUC schools).
I would advise against going to Morehouse or a HBCU in general TBH. Morehouse is insanely expensive and you're not getting nearly worth the money out of it. 

If you're going on a scholarship/ someone else is paying for it, more power to you. You gotta pay for it? NO NO NO

-Morehouse grad

Why are you against HBCU's?

Morehouse is extremely expensive. However, I feel like I gained a wealth of knowledge there.

- Morehouse grad as well.
I would disagree
meh, if you dont understand the education system juug, doesnt matter where you go, you won't see a ROI. Morehouse has an insane network if you make the right moves. Maybe the best network out of any HBCU. If all you do in college is go to class and "get good grades" you're going to look silly come graduation when you dont have any employment prospects because you didnt network.

I went to a Public HBCU that isn't one of the "Black Ivy League" schools, but I knew the system and finessed my way into a good situation by graduation.
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I would advise against going to Morehouse or a HBCU in general TBH. Morehouse is insanely expensive and you're not getting nearly worth the money out of it. 

If you're going on a scholarship/ someone else is paying for it, more power to you. You gotta pay for it? NO NO NO

-Morehouse grad
Why are you against HBCU's?

Morehouse is extremely expensive. However, I feel like I gained a wealth of knowledge there.

- Morehouse grad as well.
Not enough job recruitment/ resources for job placement compared to other schools. 

Outside of Spelhouse and Howard you aren't getting a solid recruitment experience and those three schools (Morehouse in particular) are wildly expensive.

It's just not worth the money, you can do better for cheaper.
I would disagree
meh, if you dont understand the education system juug, doesnt matter where you go, you won't see a ROI. Morehouse has an insane network if you make the right moves. Maybe the best network out of any HBCU. If all you do in college is go to class and "get good grades" you're going to look silly come graduation when you dont have any employment prospects because you didnt network.

I went to a Public HBCU that isn't one of the "Black Ivy League" schools, but I knew the system and finessed my way into a good situation by graduation.
You could just avoid HBCUs all together and go to a cheaper school that actually invests in a large recruitment resource
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Not enough job recruitment/ resources for job placement compared to other schools. 

Outside of Spelhouse and Howard you aren't getting a solid recruitment experience and those three schools (Morehouse in particular) are wildly expensive.

It's just not worth the money, you can do better for cheaper.

I have to disagree with that. I have a few cousins who've graduated from HBCU's. 2 have great government jobs: NASA, and DOD. Others have great corporate jobs with fortune 500 companies. A lot of black people in the corporate world (particularly government jobs) went to HBCU's. When companies are looking to "diversify" they almost always recruit at HBCU's. But, that's just my experience. I respect that others have different experiences.
Morehouse is legit if you come from a Family that can afford to send you. And if you are planning to major in something regarding Liberal Arts, I wouldn't enroll in college lol.

i’m interested in comp sci bro my math isn’t strong but I’m willing to work hard. I got my A+ cert and did a internship at TD ameritrade. Just to get my feet wet it was hard but it wasn’t for me cause i needed more experience with excel spreadsheets. Them deadlines was serious. :x but yeah I’m not doing liberal arts you can’t eat with that.
You could just avoid HBCUs all together and go to a cheaper school that actually invests in a large recruitment resource

There are public HBCUs. Public HBCUs are cheaper than most State PWIs, and you have faculty that care about you opposed to being another number in a 200 person lecture class.
I have to disagree with that. I have a few cousins who've graduated from HBCU's. 2 have great government jobs: NASA, and DOD. Others have great corporate jobs with fortune 500 companies. A lot of black people in the corporate world (particularly government jobs) went to HBCU's. When companies are looking to "diversify" they almost always recruit at HBCU's. But, that's just my experience. I respect that others have different experiences.

yea dude just had a bad experience or something, lol if you get to know your professors at HBCUs they pretty much put you onto to all of the Minority Conferences where you pretty much get multiple interviews with Fortune 500 companies just by going. And at these conferences you pretty much meet the best and brightest students from all of the HBCUs in America and you build your network
I must have had a bad experience being that I don't recommend it. Can't be that I just dont think its a smart decision no way no how. Just saying things to say them.
Not enough job recruitment/ resources for job placement compared to other schools. 

Outside of Spelhouse and Howard you aren't getting a solid recruitment experience and those three schools (Morehouse in particular) are wildly expensive.

It's just not worth the money, you can do better for cheaper.
I have to disagree with that. I have a few cousins who've graduated from HBCU's. 2 have great government jobs: NASA, and DOD. Others have great corporate jobs with fortune 500 companies. A lot of black people in the corporate world (particularly government jobs) went to HBCU's. When companies are looking to "diversify" they almost always recruit at HBCU's. But, that's just my experience. I respect that others have different experiences.
Thats true I won't deny that, what I was saying is that from a broad perspective the recruitment efforts at HBCUs are poor compared to other schools. 
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i’m interested in comp sci bro my math isn’t strong but I’m willing to work hard. I got my A+ cert and did a internship at TD ameritrade. Just to get my feet wet it was hard but it wasn’t for me cause i needed more experience with excel spreadsheets. Them deadlines was serious. :x but yeah I’m not doing liberal arts you can’t eat with that.

I suck at math, and Majored in CIS instead of Comp Sci. All of the Math classes are replaced with Business Classes, the business classes gave me the edge because it taught me corporate culture and how to interview. Most Comp Sci grads are smart weirdos who dont know how to interview thus I typically beat out a lot of those cats for jobs lol. Morehouse doesnt have CIS though which is why I didnt apply (on top of me being poor and not wanting insane debt lol).

My advice to you is Major in CIS, and take 1-2 extra programming classes as an elective if you want to get into Software Dev, if you want to do something like Network Engineering,Cyber Security, Info Sec, etc then the CIS major its self will give you the fundamental foundation, but you still have to self study and grind for internships because no school will teach you everything when it comes to IT because its so broad.
I must have had a bad experience being that I don't recommend it. Can't be that I just dont think its a smart decision no way no how. Just saying things to say them.
Thats true I won't deny that, what I was saying is that from a broad perspective the recruitment efforts at HBCUs are poor compared to other schools. 

I`m at PWI for my Masters, and yea I will say they do better jobs providing students information but like I said PWIs dont nurture kids, your usually just another number, so kids have access to all of these companies but they were never taught HOW to get the job, thats one thing I can say HBCUs do. You dont get the job by just showing up to the interview, it's levels to this stuff lol.
You need nurturing? For what? Those were all things I learned how to do on my own, I didn't need Morehouse for that. 
You need nurturing? For what? Those were all things I learned how to do on my own, I didn't need Morehouse for that. 

Thats on you, Going from HS to being grown is not a 1,2,3 process. It comes with growing pains, why wouldn't you want someone who has been there and done that to help guide you and give advice? lol seems like you just went to class and went home, so thats more so your personal personality or something.
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