Rules for your son VOL....when in doubt WIO

Always look people in the can tell how a person feels about you when you look into their eyes

Don't let people be able to read you ( this one is iffy but I get told often im hard to read and its helped me whether it was with women or at work)
These are all great.
I enjoy reading these late at night....
-Be better then your father
-Never show up empty handed
-Too much of anything is bad
-Only introduce me to the women in your life that you take serious
-Travel as much as you can
-Boca gana carita meaning what you say > how you look
Didn't have a dad, my brother in prison wrote me in a letter "do everything like you've done it a million times'
If i ever have a son i think the only thing i would tell him is

Succeed on your own and fail on your own. Do not blame anything on anyone else. If you fail you fail. But if you succeed you succeed. Be your own man and do what you want in life. Understand the bigger picture of life. In the end you are a spec of dust living on a planet that is floating through an endless universe. Make your one life something that you at least enjoy
You don't have to clown others to make yourself feel better

Don't matter if it's a promise or a threat, be a man of your word. Follow through

Respect everyone, no matter their status

"Yes/No ma'am/sir" is not just for your elders

Lies lead to lost trust, lost trust leads to a lonely life

Listen more than you talk

Sex is can last either a moment or a lifetime

Keep ya hands to yourself
all this sounds great, but explaining why this is so to your kid is a different matter altogether.
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