True Life: I'm homeless

May 12, 2011
As the title says. Im homeless. Well im going to be come this weekend. I dont want to get into too much detail about it but, I had 2 jobs, lost one and the other I cant work there until some things clear up. Now im not broke, but I cant spend all my savings on rent etc. Getting a job would be somewhat difficult right now because of my situation that I need to "clear up". I knew this was coming a few months ago so I started planning for it, but Id also like some input and other ideas on surviving.

Shelter- My car. I still have a car note and plan on holding onto it till its paid off. Its not alot left, but I need to keep as much fluid cash as possible. Its getting cold (15 degrees at night) so I got some blankets, mylar sheets and pillow for the back seat. Ill check out some stores for sleeping bags cause they'll be warmer.

Hygiene- Gym membership. I can shower, brush my teeth shave etc. And also keep some clothes in the locker.

Internet- Besides my cell phone, I guess Ill be at startbucks often

Food- This is the hardest one. Im used to home cooked meals and cant afford to eat out every day. I'd hate to go to a shelter or one of those places but may do so sometimes. I had a few buckets of dehydrated food for when I was "doomsday prepping" but lost them throughout my situation. Ill order about 3 more and that should last me a month or more.

Mail- I got a PO Box

Now, this is not permanent and yes I have relatives that can house me. But they are 200 miles away and I cant leave this state because I have things that need taken care of. I also feel this is something I need to do. It will humble me even more than my current situation. I still plan on living life the best I can and I plan on getting some studying done to get certified in some fields.

Anything else I need to worry about??
Damn homie, I got you in my prayers.

Stay up, itll be over before you know it.
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You have savings, a car note, a gym membership and a cell phone bill and you sleeping in your car in freezing weather? Gotta get your priorities lined up. You could probably get a motel for $100-$150 a week. Also, I'm sure there's assistance for someone in your situation. Aren't you in mpls? If things get dire hit me up and I'll see what I can swing for you.
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God bless keep your head up.
Things in life turn around as long as you understand that and keep moving forward even its just a little.
Main thing
ALWAYS KEEP YOUR HEAD UP even when its fell numerous times without that motivation you have nothing
I slept in my car a couple times to avoid paying for a motel, but those were voluntary. I can't imagine doing it full time, good luck my dude
Im in Maryland. My mother and family are in NYC. My mother told me to come there but I cant leave MD right now. Motel for $150/week? Id definitely consider that if it gets too cold.
Definitely cant give up my car. I can pay it off right now, but I need as much cash as possible. Gym is only $35/month and cell phone I definitely need. I went down to the lowest plan I could. I still need to pay my CC bills too. Ive worked too hard to get my credit up to lose it now. But if worse comes to worse ill give it up. I have "friends" out here, but I really dont mess with too much people and keep to myself. I wouldnt feel right asking to crash at their place if im not that close to them.

I cant get much assistance right now including food stamps because of my situation.
As the title says. Im homeless. Well im going to be come this weekend. I dont want to get into too much detail about it but, I had 2 jobs, lost one and the other I cant work there until some things clear up. Now im not broke, but I cant spend all my savings on rent etc. Getting a job would be somewhat difficult right now because of my situation that I need to "clear up".

Is it acne?

kidding aside, stay up man. How soon will your situation be "cleared up?"
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I hope you pull through this. No homies you could crash on their couch for a while?
Someone from NT in the area help dude out
I would if u was out this way
Help him out someone
It will take months to clear up. Even then I gotta rebuild. Just when life seemed to be headed in the right direction...smh
its all good though. Maybe that direction wasnt where I was supposed to go?

I will definitely be keeping my head up as long as I have breath
Stay safe and stay warm OP... if it gets too cold you really need to consider a motel for real. Maybe you can check out Craigslist for a room to rent. They might have something cheap weekly or monthly
was in a similar situation last year without half the things u have but thanks to good friends i was fine.  be more friendly and outgoing and u may stumble upon something...

couch crashing and lowering your standards just to sleep in a big comfy bed for a change may be reality for a bit
Why can't u leave MD for now..u should go to NY just to get situated..
You're in my prayers man...

You will bounce back even stronger from this  
***are u gonna use a storage place for all of your things??

One thing that I always said to myself is that if I had no place to sleep (like a hotel for a night) I'd sleep at the airport with my luggage..much cleaner than a train station
I feel for you, and I hope everything works itself out quickly so you aren't on the streets long. I unfortunately have experience with this, here are some tips:

1. Stock up on clean underwear, wool socks, longjohns, gloves, and hats. Losing a glove typically means a minor inconveinence, but in this situation losing a glove might mean frostbite or worse. Make sure you have some extras to fall back on. This is incredibly important if you live in a cold winter state like Minnesota, as people freeze to death here every winter.

2. Find a safe spot to park at nights. People know about and target others who sleep in their cars because they make for easy targets. Places like hotels typically tour their lots at night to make sure people aren't sleeping in cars and will not hesitate to wake you up at 3:30AM to make you move. I hate the place, but Wal-Mart is actually really good for this. They often have cameras in their lots, lights, outlets that are free to use, and they typically allow RVs to spend the night in their lots anyways. There might not be one in your area, but its worth a shot.

3. Don't be afraid to reach out to others that are in the same situation you're in. You'll probably run into other people who are in similar circumstances just by virtue of going through the same thing. Homelessness happens a lot more often (and more frequently) than a lot of people realize. It's nothing to be ashamed about if you are a victim of circumstance. Just pick up the pieces and try to prevent it in the future. The people you meet will know where to warm up, where to go to get materials, etc. Be cautious and don't put your blind trust into people, but don't cut yourself off completely.
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