90% of Americans are worse off today than in 1970 vol. Is Ninjahood right?

Not from the US government. Reparations were agreed upon between Israel and West Germany.

Also, the Indians "got theirs" alright. Forced to live on "Reservations". Yeah they pay no income tax ect., but the vast majority are in poverty. More than 50% Extreme Poverty Rate in some Reservations.

I live in Ft. Lauderdale too, and personal friend of the Osceola family. They got bread, and the tribal leaders have bread too, but dont confuse that with the other Natives. I'm sure you've been around Hard Rock, place is a ******* dump.

Did you read the context of everything? Dopeness said "handouts" as if they were to be frowned upon. Either way, Jewish people GLADLY took reparations. If they felt any other way, they would not have accepted them. They weren't reluctant or apprehensive so therefore, they GLADLY accepted. I don't go to Hard Rock. That "dump" is bringing them revenue so, somebody is laughing to the bank

Until then, you're opinions are going on deaf ears.
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Did you read the context of everything? Dopeness said "handouts" as if they were to be frowned upon. Either way, Jewish people GLADLY took reparations. If they felt any other way, they would not have accepted them. They weren't reluctant or apprehensive so therefore, they GLADLY accepted. I don't go to Hard Rock. That "dump" is bringing them revenue so, somebody is laughing to the bank

Until then, you're opinions are going on deaf ears.

I understand your context. You're comparing Apples to Oranges, though. We're talking about the U.S. government, you cant compare what other government do. To say the Jews "gladly" took reparations isnt correct either. Opposition to reparations was a heated debate in Israel, didn't go over lightly.
I understand your context. You're comparing Apples to Oranges, though. We're talking about the U.S. government, you cant compare what other government do. To say the Jews "gladly" took reparations isnt correct either. Opposition to reparations was a heated debate in Israel, didn't go over lightly.

There was opposition, but they still took them ANYWAY. Evidently you didn't understand, when you first quoted me. Bottom line, they GLADLY accepted. No backtracking. The point was that handouts needed to be frowned upon (as Dopeness said) and I countered him, by saying others (Jewish people, and Florida tribes) accepted the reparations they received.

I meant everything I said.

"You can't compare what other governments do"
:rofl: :rofl:

You sound foolish and asinine. If that's the case, there should not be a United Nations then :lol:

Government comparisons are soooo bad :rolleyes
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...I'm just carrying on in King's honor, the architect of 21st century American diversity. EQUAL opportunity.
Dr. King's belief in equality was not limited to "Equality for native-born Americans.  Everyone else can fend for themselves."  

Dr. King strongly opposed imperialism - and injustice globally.  He took a keen interest in Ghanaian independence, in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, and in the opposition to the war in Vietnam.    

Dr. King supported Cesar Chavez and the UFW.  

In sharp contrast to this "we can't feed everyone", "THEY TUK ARRR JERRRBS!" rhetoric, Dr. King believed that, 
We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial “outside agitator” idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds.
A lot of the anti-immigrant sentiment that exists among people of color stems from "ethnic queuing," from the notion that native-born Black Americans in particular represent the nadir of American society and that the price of citizenship and the process of assimilation involves investing in America's racist hierarchy - which values Whiteness and scorns Blackness.  

The stereotype certainly exists that recent arrivals to the United States - of all colors - routinely mistreat or refuse service to native-born Black Americans, be it in a cab, convenience store, or a corporate setting.  This behavior is symptomatic of the larger, systemic problem of racism.  Engaging in the racial stereotyping and "othering" of immigrants only serves to buttress racism.  

The problem here is that the feeling of, "how DARE you step over me - I'm BETTER than you" is the EXACT same one adopted by poor Whites who would rather scapegoat Black laborers than unionize with them.  It's the same mentality adopted by men who feel emasculated by women's success.  

It's what Dr. King referred to as the "Drum Major Instinct."  
I always try to do a little converting when I'm in jail.  And when we were in jail in Birmingham the other day, the white wardens and all enjoyed coming around the cell to talk about the race problem. And they were showing us where we were so wrong demonstrating. … And then we got down one day to the point—that was the second or third day—to talk about where they lived, and how much they were earning. And when those brothers told me what they were earning, I said, "Now, you know what? You ought to be marching with us. You're just as poor as Negroes." And I said, "You are put in the position of supporting your oppressor, because through prejudice and blindness, you fail to see that the same forces that oppress Negroes in American society oppress poor white people. And all you are living on is the satisfaction of your skin being white, and the drum major instinct of thinking that you are somebody big because you are white. And you're so poor you can't send your children to school. You ought to be out here marching with every one of us every time we have a march.
Don't fall for the "divide and conquer" okey-doke because the SAME person who tweets out anti-Black crime stats is whispering in your ear trying to make you feel, at once, better than and yet victimized by a racialized immigrant scapegoat. 

In a decade or two, it won't be the "shifty foreigner" who "steals" "your" job working in a call center, driving a cab, manufacturing consumer goods, or harvesting crops.  All those jobs you don't even want, yet feel entitled to by dint of your "superior" birth, will be automated.  They will no longer exist.  

The sooner we realize that we're all in this together and need to figure out a way for ALL of the world's people to live with dignity and share in human prosperity, the better.  

This is absolute textbook "divide and conquer."  It amounts to petty in-fighting over table scraps for the "privilege" to be considered "second best."  
90% of illegals just wanting an opportunity may be how you feel ...but truth is almost 50% of murders committed in the United States are by ILLEGALS.

They're responsible for a large amount of sex crimes as well.
This is part of the reason why so many people consider you a troll.  In a way, you should take it as a compliment.  They believe you're too smart to buy into fake, racist crime stats from the same White Nationalist/White Supremacist groups responsible for the likes of Donald Trump's re-tweeted "stats" on crimes purportedly committed by Black Americans.  They think this is all an act, that you know this is offensive, bigoted nonsense and are posting it for that reason alone, just to get a rise out of people.  

I don't know which possibility is more sad, to be honest.  

Seriously, where in the wide world of sports did you pull that "50% of murders" stat from?  Your "source" on that almost certainly believes the other 50% of murders are committed by native-born Black Americans.  Go look up what breitbart et al. have to say about "Black Lives Matter."  

Don't let these racists appeal to your ego and make you think you're somebody big and special because you happened to be born in the United States.  You're not.  These are the same people telling men, "don't let these feminists push you around.  You're a MAN."  These are the same people telling Whites, "don't let this Nigerian Muslim President push you around.  You're WHITE.  You're CHRISTIAN.  This is YOUR COUNTRY."  

Dr. King's fight was about EQUALITY.  This about perpetuating unearned privilege.  
Yep, it's all poverty wages going to illegals that's screwing over Americans. Not wages being stagnate for almost 4 decades, or the constant effort to demonize and break up unions.

It's all the illegals fault, don't worry corporations are your friends, and they'll look out for you. Trickle down economics works, just wait, it's coming.

It's the libs fault too.
Some do, especially ones that are trying to stay here and be legalized so stop being cynical. I have a few friends who do this and have friends in who had parents who did the same.

You have a few friends here illegally that "voluntarily" report income to the IRS and pay taxes for the joy of it? You sure they didn't file just to get the free refundable credits? No one is this honest! :lol:

.I used to be an international student. After 9/11, IS were no longer issued SSN, but they were still required to file their taxes (even though they didn't work), and in order to do it they needed a Tax ID # that was issued by the social security administration. The only way to get a number was to work on campus, and not everyone could do it as American citizens and green card holders were first in line under work-study program stipulations.

Under the Dream Act, Obama's administration issued over 500K TINs which could be used to get refundable tax credits like earned income credits or child credits.

The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), which is Congress’s official scorekeeper for tax legislation, calculated that illegal immigrants who are approved for the amnesty would have filed 800,000 EITC claims over the next decade. Most of those will come between 2017 and 2020, the analysts said.

The government would spend about $400 million on refunds in 2017, $1.1 billion in 2018, $400 million in 2018 and $100 million in 2020, the JCT calculated. It figured it would take the IRS a year to get up and running, so 2016 isn’t included.

View media item 2009481

TIN cannot be used to obtain EITC. That's straight from the IRS website.

Can I claim EITC if my spouse has an ITIN?
No, an ITIN or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number is not valid for filing an EITC claim for either the taxpayer or the taxpayer's spouse. IRS issues ITINs when the worker does not have a SSN that is valid for employment and has a federal tax-reporting requirement or files a tax return to claim a refund. The ITIN is valid only for filing a tax return.

Find out more on ITINs on irs.gov

Can I claim EITC if my qualifying child has an ITIN or ATIN?

No, they must have valid Social Security Numbers.

Find out more on ITINs on irs.gov

Find out more on ATINs on irs.gov


The people allowed to work under the dream act will be given SSN and work permits (employment authorization cards). What the legislators in the article you posted are worried about is this:

If a taxpayer filed a return using an ITIN and later receives a Social Security number (SSN), can that person file an amended return to claim EITC? Also, is it true that someone who filed a tax return using an ITIN or an ATIN for a child and the child later gets a SSN; can that person amend the return and claim EITC?

This is true. After, the SSN is issued and all other EITC requirements are met, the taxpayer can file an amended return claiming EITC for any year the statute of limitations is open.

(From the same IRS link I posted above).
Meth really came with the South Park reference
From what little I've seen, I actually dislike that show as a whole - but the reference gets thrown around on NT pretty frequently and I felt it accurately captures the tone and tenor of most White Nationalist scapegoating.  

It just reeks of entitlement and superiority.  
Dr. King's fight was about EQUALITY.  This about perpetuating unearned privilege.  
I definitely agree about King fighting for equality, there's no denying that.

However, regardless of the dangerous social norm which ostensibly suggests it, equality  isn't synonymous with willful naivety, out of fear of social judgement and looking like a "big bad American nationalist".

Native Americans are often depicted as Care Bears who were unjustly victimized by "the white man". In fact tribes like the Pueblos waged brutal wars, and had conflict over territory expansion long before Europeans showed up the shores of the Americas. The "white man" was just a more efficient strategist.

It's ill how when they're thrown into American debates that their whole existence is either generalized as, "noble mystical people wronged by the white man" or "savages".

Sadly many people don't realize that they willingly participated in American colonialism and imperialism as well. Often by choice. 

Including owning black slaves, and intermarrying with European men. In fact, my grandmother's blood line is Cherokee, and white, and it isn't some tragic tale of being raped by "the white man".

But then there's tribes in the deep south like the Chocktaw and Chicksaw who bought and sold slaves, among other atrocities which the "white man" is solely demonized for.

The tribes that were driven southwest, over the centuries became the ancestors of many Hispanics in Central and South America. 

Here's where I get very frustrated... some Hispanics claim to be of Native American, yet they're Christians.

They claim their native blood which in some cases is up to 60% Taino, but their culture and language is 100% Hispania which is European. How are they Catholics?

They take pride in this massive cluster **** of genealogical ignorance, so why not migrate back to the "real" motherland of their predilection, in Europe? 

No, they come to America. Because America is a financial powerhouse, and once led in education, and opportunity. However we're still close to travel to and our immigration laws are a joke.

It becomes a matter of MORALS. Again just because a person is from an impoverished country doesn't mean they weren't a scumbags there.

What does illegal immigration say about all the documented and naturalized citizens who worked hard to contribute to America? It makes a mockery of their sacrifice.

There's scum bags from North America, South America, Asian, Europe and Africa. And I don't really care, if they're here legally

There's laws to put them behind bars, deny education, and many other privileges of living in America.

But if they're in this country illegally, they're undermining these laws. The laws men like Martin Luther King, and countless other died installing them into American institutions.

That's unearned privilege ...if you get a chance, check out Clarence B Jones',  "What Martin Would Say":

“If you’re in this country illegally, have you come here in order to protest what you consider an ‘unjust law?’ If you haven’t, then for whatever other reason you’re here, even if it’s to make money for your sick child, which is as good a reason as there is, then you’re just violating the immigration laws of this country and deserve no more consideration from the authorities than does a thief.

“Why have you stood silently and turned the other way as though the fight belonged to someone else and not you, and the damage being done was not harming you?”

“Brothers, if half a dozen white men had executed some of our young black brothers, you would have been on the next plane and turned this mass murder into a 24/7 cable news show...why aren’t you doing the same wherever young men who have no legal right to be in this country gun down young black men whose ancestors have been on this soil for hundreds of years.

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Since you have such Black pride, why aren't you fighting for reparations? All of that free labor that our ancestors gave, if that isn't #1 on you conscious, you are not saying anything bruh.

Over 400 years of free labor. Do the math

I used to be against this. However, after reading some NTers' posts about the subject and doing some thinking, why the hell shouldn't blacks see reparations? Helped strengthen the US into what it is today and backs didn't see a damn thing even centuries later.

I'm all for reparations.

Really, the American people as a whole are just plain out ugly. Everybody has this ugly "look out for myself" mentality. No, let's take care of our brothers and sisters and all rise up together. We all need to uplift each other. I'm not the one sending my kid to law school or med school. it's the rich people who are holding us down. If we can't secure those jobs, that better future for our children, then we're doomed to keep on repeating the cycle.
From what little I've seen, I actually dislike that show as a whole - but the reference gets thrown around on NT pretty frequently and I felt it accurately captures the tone and tenor of most White Nationalist scapegoating.  

It just reeks of entitlement and superiority.  

I interpreted that bit from South Park differently. I saw it as yet another example of Matt Stone and Trey Parker's own sense of superiority, entitlement and unearned privilege. They are wealthy entertainers and they were mocking members of the struggling working class and their existential anxieties.

Yes, many critics of immigration are White Nationalists and therefore deserve all of the criticism that comes their way. On the other hand, we should not sweep all criticisms of immigration policy under the rug. There is a very serious economic and class component to immigration and immigration policy that should not be ignored.

We do have a two tiered system for workers in this Country. Doctors, lawyers, professors, CEO's, hedge fund managers, journalists, civil servants, politicians and writer-producers of cartoon shows are part of the professional class and they face much less competition from non Americans. Meanwhile, plumbers, roofers, cab drivers, landscapers, electricians, other tradesmen, tech support guys, lower level engineers, truck drivers and assembly line workers face much more competition from non Americans.

As it currently stands, our immigration policies are part of America's bigger Economic Strategy, protectionism and socialism for the already privileged and ruthless "market discipline" for others.

Of course, we need to recognize our shared humanity and allow that empathy to cross international boundaries but we also need to be very careful and aware of the fact that captains of industry have and will continue to weaponize immigration when it suits their narrow purposes. We need to ruthlessly call out those who are "citizens of the world" only to the extent that it helps them to increase quarterly profits.
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
Agreed, and I'm enthusiastic about seeing what REAL American egalitarianism looks like, some day.

Sadly I live in New York City, and any New Yorker can tell you it's VERY segregated underneath the divisive gerrymandering of Democratic apostasy.

Can't tell you how angering it is to willingly share a nation with people who don't respect you, or your country. 


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The 80's is when things really started to change, CEO pay was increasing, wages were decreasing, unions were being dismantled, recession, etc.
There is too much irony in Americans claiming that this is our country and shunning illegal immigrants. Blows my mind how out of touch some people could be.
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
Agreed, and I'm enthusiastic about seeing what REAL American egalitarianism looks like, some day.

Sadly I live in New York City, and any New Yorker can tell you it's VERY segregated underneath the divisive gerrymandering of Democratic apostasy.

Can't tell you how angering it is to willingly share a nation with people who don't respect you, or your country. 


More irony.
The 80's is when things really started to change, CEO pay was increasing, wages were decreasing, unions were being dismantled, recession, etc.

This is part of the issue, the union membership numbers fading started in the 70s but what really was the start was the mid to late 60s when they started deregulating and allowed massive consolidations. Consolidations result in efficiency increases which on one side is great but the problem is that it allows companies to stop innovating because they no longer have competition. Look at all large companies now such as Apple, Facebook, and the like. They don't spend as much money on R&D and Cap-Ex like they should. They just wait for someone else to innovate and then gobble them up. Apple gobbles up 15-20 companies per year, they are small, but each one is fairly innovative and their tech ends up in their phones and tablets. Facebook rather than innovate bought out Instagram and WhatsApp. Sure it's a form of competition but because they lack the expenditures that's less jobs out there for people. Or just look how many firms sure of infringement for nothing else than to slow down the competition.
There is too much irony in Americans claiming that this is our country and shunning illegal immigrants. Blows my mind how out of touch some people could be.
More irony.
Not really. As I stated, I'm part native ...to the point we own land and attend powpows. 

Secondly, as a black American can't tell you how bad it used to hurt to keep extending your hand, and having it spit on.

People conspiring behind your back, for no other reason than the COLOR OF YOUR SKIN, and NATIONALITY.

I have lots Latino family on both sides, a cousin who's married to a Filipino (more Asian'ish), and my wife is first generation Iraqi,  they keep it real with us and tell us about things that go unsaid just so we know.

If you're really a New Yorker you know like I know, Hispanics will drop the n-word, play hip-hop, chill with you all day and even there's even inter-culture relations. 

But behind the scenes it's;

" Oh, Dios mío , son de color negro. No se puede encontrar a alguien español ?"

If you can tell me you've never heard this and you're being honest to the core, I'll leave this thread FOREVER...

What's crazy is they have no problem with whites, just blacks.

Cipha Sounds did a whole routine on it at Carolines on Broadway for his Birthday, even included me and my wife in this skit.

Talked about Dominican parents being cool with their kids appropriating black culture and even telling people they're black but will  beat the hell out their kids for dating black people.

...you're calling him "out of touch" too?

...that's the part I can't stand. Trying to act like something don't exist, but also respect immigrant parents' decision to treat America like a cash grab and not co-exist.

My wife's co-worker who worked at her firm said although she recognizes she's black, she tried to bring a black guy home when she was young and almost got disowned. She married a Puerto Rican. But she talks to my wife about these biases all the time, and how black people are viewed "disgusting" and "outcasts" in Dominican homes.

...as I stated, can't tell you how angering it is that if I have national pride and link up with people who happen to be black, we're seen as "militant" or trying to box others out.

But a guy from Guatemela and a Nuyorican can link challenge free, based on language.

...if we're being real, most of my old co-workers were Latino and we chilled all the time. Two business associates of mine are Hispanic too, one told me straight up his grandmother hates black people. Said she'd be polite and treat them with respect, but after they leave she expresses her disgust. He says it's been like that in his family for generations.

...so let's be real here. I know we all come together based on age and our affinity for sneaker culture, but don't pretend like things don't go unsaid in Latino households and act brand new for Niketalk, especially here in New York.

Again, I have family and friends who are Latino and I love and respect them, don't even see them as anything other than fam. But we can't control world around us.

They understand my frustration and we talk about it all the time. How can you accept EVERY part of American culture except the part that says "hey, I'm human too, I'm included and have feelings".

Then when we as the black community link up and get on some group economics, people wanna act like we're being "militant". 

Nah, we're just tired extending our hand to others and having it spit on because their culture derived from hate and implicit bias.

As a people we didn't come by choice, and we don't go to other people's countries trying to eat, yet **** on its oldest inhabitants for the color of their skin.

RASHIDA: Yes, I do. And I get: “But you look so white!” “You’re not black!” I want to say: “Do you know how hurtful that is to somebody who identifies so strongly with half of who she is?” Still, that’s not as bad as when people don’t know. A year ago a taxi driver said to me, That Jennifer Lopez is a beautiful woman. Thank God she left that disgusting black man, Puffy.” I said, “I’m black.” He tried to smooth it over. IF you’re obviously black, white people watch their tongues, but with me they think they can say anything. When people don’t know “what” you are, you get your heart broken daily.
You write too much, man.

But behind the scenes it's;

" Oh, Dios mío , son de color negro. No se puede encontrar a alguien español ?"

If you can tell me you've never heard this and you're being honest to the core, I'll leave this thread FOREVER...

What's crazy is they have no problem with whites, just blacks.

Cipha Sounds did a whole routine on it at Carolines on Broadway for his Birthday, even included me and my wife in this skit.

Talked about Dominican parents being cool with their kids appropriating black culture and even telling people they're black but will  beat the hell out their kids for dating black people.

...you're calling him "out of touch" too?

...that's the part I can't stand. Trying to act like something don't exist, but also respect immigrant parents' decision to treat America like a cash grab and not co-exist.

My wife's co-worker who worked at her firm said although she recognizes she's black, she tried to bring a black guy home when she was young and almost got disowned. She married a Puerto Rican. But she talks to my wife about these biases all the time, and how black people are viewed "disgusting" and "outcasts" in Dominican homes.
...so let's be real here. I know we all come together based on age and our affinity for sneaker culture, but don't pretend like things don't go unsaid in Latino households and act brand new for Niketalk, especially here in New York.
Why would I ever disagree with this? I was arguing the same points in the whatever thread it was that turned into a discussion of ninjahood's racial and ethnic identity.

But the two are not connected or related. You're perpetuating the same things that you're complaining about by shunning and outcasting illegal immigrants.

I'm Black and Hispanic, so I know it from both ends. I would never claim that there isn't that ignorance in the Latino community because I see it and was a victim of it on a daily basis.

So no one is acting brand new, just calling out what sounds like some kind of entitlement. You, I or anyone else is no better than a person who comes here illegally looking for a better life.

Truth be told, that's why a good portion of us are here now. Only difference is some were able to do it legally and some had to do it illegally.

Now I don't agree or condone breaking the law, but I also take the time to question those laws in favor of what this country continues to tell the rest of the world we stand for...and that's life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I just can't get jiggy with the idea of 'we're entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit happiness, but not y'all...you don't have the proper paperwork.'

I honestly don't know what ignorance in the Latino community toward blacks has to do with illegal immigrants of ALL RACES coming here for what we take for granted on a daily basis.
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Things were good in the 80s.. my moms came here from Trinidad and had no problems paying the bills on a minimalistic salary. You simply cannot do those things in nyc anymore. Other states maybe on the cheaper side but city life is being 180d while city folks move to the burbs. Its a cycle which ends with class wars
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