Why do people look down on people who haven't had certain life experiences?

Sep 16, 2010
Just something I've observed over the last few years, but it appears that if you're "green" about things in life, you get looked down upon and I'm very curious as to why it's like that? For example, being sheltered. Why do people bash someone that's been sheltered for the majority of their life like it's the person's fault for being sheltered? Just random thinking I was curious about.
The sheltered people usually don't understand how sheltered they are and most "bashing" is a humorous way of reminding them that they are in a bubble
It's all ego driven most times but what gets misunderstood is someone who hasn't had a certain experience talking about things that some have had and putting out the wrong information or saying something ignorant for the sake of just saying it.For example some people have been to jail or prison,wouldn't it be good for those people tell you what's it really like in hopes of keeping you from experiencing it?of course would be.

Being young means your blind to a lot of things in life and for you to be a good leader or just productive over-all you need to be a great follower,make sure you follow the right people and listening could save you time which is the only thing that's happening consistently with no interruptions.

"Standing by the tree,but they don't see the noose that's there...."Jadakiss
On NT I actually believe it's the other way around.

People are actually envious if you aren't sheltered, and have stories to tell, or experiences to share.

You get called a troll or a liar, then if you proved proof you're humble bragging.

But then again, I personally give everyone respect, often forgetting the age and experience factor.
don't know anyone who does this
Of course you don't, only because it's coming from me. 
It's probably not bashing, just the sheltered ones being overly sensitive to language they're not used to, and are unsure of how to respond to. Not everything that doesn't say "flourish bro" is negative or angry. I notice that from the more sheltered dudes here who live vicariously through others. The moment there's even a mildly spirited conversation, dudes curl up crying like mommy and daddy are fighting and start tossing out labels.
Personally, it's to the point I can classify the hate and differentiate between;

sheltered NT'ers, a young NT'er, an old and bitter NT'er, a broke NT'er, an ugly NT'er,

or, the coward with low self confidence who use NT as a platform to say things he can't say to someone in real life because there may be grave consequences.

...no sane grown man, who's got his **** together in life, or getting box on a regular basis, goes out of his way to insult another grown man online.

Or even worse, jump in an ongoing attack even though you don't know the NT'er being attacked, and he personally haven't wronged you.

No sane grown man behaves like that.

That's the behavior of someone who needs serious help.

Took me a long time to come to this realization on NT, because I was respecting everyone based on my own life experience with normal functioning and productive members  of society. Often who were in my peer group or older.
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A lot of it stems from no patience.

A course I'll be forever grateful that I took @ work talks about emotional intelligence or your EQ. So in everyday life it's not just enough to know the right answer but how do you apply the right answer!?

Do you come off like a butt head when replying or are you considered an asset by many or both [emoji]129300[/emoji]

Naturally, we all want to be considered an asset but sometimes we're not in the mood to apply EQ when dispensing information or receiving it. It could be like myself, you didn't even know that EQ existed.

Truth is, it always has been around. Remember mom and dad saying speak before you think [emoji]129300[/emoji] THAT'S EQ!!!

So when everybody can put away the online tough guy act, think before they speak and exhibit common courtesy I think that's when all "perceptions" will go away. Is that going to happen/change anytime soon... Probably not.

However, I'm still going to put this positive energy out here, cause if even 1 person is enlightened then it was worth my time [emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji]

[emoji]128013[/emoji] out [emoji]9996[/emoji]️[emoji]127998[/emoji]
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I definitely don't look down on people who haven't experienced certain things.


Don't give me advice on fappin if u never done it with your eyes closed ifuknowwatimsayin
If someone called you "green", you're either military or in these streets.

I have a feeling its the latter and OP out here getting played because he dont know how many grams are in an 8th.
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