n Search For Cures, Scientists Create Embryos That Are Both Animal And Human

Aug 9, 2012
 A handful of scientists around the United States are trying to do something that some people find disturbing: make embryos that are part human, part animal.

The researchers hope these embryos, known as chimeras, could eventually help save the lives of people with a wide range of diseases.

One way would be to use chimera embryos to create better animal models to study how human diseases happen and how they progress.

Perhaps the boldest hope is to create farm animals that have human organs that could be transplanted into terminally ill patients.

But some scientists and bioethicists worry the creation of these interspecies embryos crosses the line. "You're getting into unsettling ground that I think is damaging to our sense of humanity," says Stuart Newman, a professor of cell biology and anatomy at the New York Medical College.

The experiments are so sensitive that the National Institutes of Health has imposed a moratorium on funding them while officials explore the ethical issues they raise.

Nevertheless, a small number of researchers are pursuing the work with private funding. They hope the results will persuade the NIH to lift the moratorium.

Ross defends what his work. "I don't consider that we're playing God or even close to that," Ross says. "We're just trying to use the technologies that we have developed to improve peoples' life."

Still, Ross acknowledges the concerns. So he's moving very carefully, he says. For example, he's only letting the chimera embryos develop for 28 days. At that point, he removes the embryos and dissects them.

If he discovers the stem cells are going to the wrong places in the embryos, he says he can take steps to stop that from happening. In addition, he'd make sure adult chimeras are never allowed to mate, he says.

"We're very aware and sensitive to the ethical concerns," he says. "One of the reasons we're doing this research the way we're doing it is because we want to provide scientific information to inform those concerns."
Hopefully one day scientists will be able to create squares that are also rectangles.

Humans are already animals. We have to stop thinking that we're above nature because we have posable thumbs and critical thinking skills.

The science is dope tho. Must be difficult to discern much within a 28 day window, but I can't say I'm not intrigued.
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 And so it begins...
read the article while playing this...makes things make even more sense than they used to be

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Won't this backfire down the line ? They would have to keep the births under tracking serial numbers. But also make them dumb enough to not teach other ones to perfect themselves. Yes yes yes. Black market labs making these..... Possibilities of how they can uprise is creepy. Mines will be a head of a bull. Body of a gorilla and tiger stripes.
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all these recent talk about gender this gender that. I bet in the future people are gonna be fighting for sub animal rights.
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