At first it wasn't a big deal but

Jan 1, 2010
My Facebook feed is flooded with people who don't know the difference between "to" and "too". Even when I'm browsing through Instagram I see people with bad grammar. The worst part is they look like they are in their mid 30's - 40s ish. Don't even get me started on the teenagers. Seriously if I had to learn this **** in grade school and use it in real life how come no one else is? It's not like I came from a rich upbringing and went to a private school.

Example - LOL that was "to" funny.

**** seriously grinds my gears. Just add another O you dumb ***
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I remember when text messages first hit the scene and people started texting in text language.
People were like "It's just a text message, who cares if the words aren't spelled right or grammatically correct"

20 years later dumb *** kids don't know the difference between simple words. And don't care that they don't know the difference.

I think when I make my application for employment, I will have a spelling and grammar section added to the amplitude test.
If you cant tell the difference between simple words like to, too and two or there their and they're, I wont hire you.
Have you ever called them out on it?

Yes I have lol. But they respond just like the first 2 repliers in this thread. I know I'm using the word "lol" but that's just an acronym, everyone uses those and I don't mind. I feel like this epidemic is getting exponentially worse, but at least that's what the Rothschild family wants right?
I hate people who say Happy monday-friday

Like every goddamn day they say Happy Monday, happy Tuesday, etc

**** Bugs the hell out of me :lol:

Edit: I thought this thread was for stuff that wasn't a big deal but now is, so I shared one of mine.

No thread jack my bad :lol:
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we will be speaking emojis so written language will revert back to the equivalent of ancient glyphs
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i cant take people who write stuff like
Why not make THIS thread on FB and post it on you're wall, so they can be more aware of it?

Posting it hear just makes you seem like a privileged jerk that doesn't care about others outside of putting them down so you can feel better about your-self.

Go actually HELP them

Alot of people now and days lack calm and sense.
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