What is love????.....VOL...Baby don't hurt me.

Apr 15, 2004
if you could describe it.

i don't mean a natural love that comes about from blood.

like how do you know you don't really really really just like someone.

when did you know?

married nters please chime in.
I don't think anyone knows true love until they lose their true love.

6 years ago I broke up with a girl and felt like it was "true love", I was apathetic towards chicks for two years and just hooked up with people with no care

fast forward to this past fall and this girl reappears and begs me to give her another chance, I wanted nothing to do with it, even let her come over and refused to sleep with her

it makes me wonder if there is such a thing as "true love", I believe in break ups that you will always recover so maybe "true love" is just finding a "true companion" that you can connect with for a lifetime
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thats what I'm saying

is it finding someone who you're really really really compatible with and then building with

or is it this big romantic, cosmic thing that its made out to be.

i think most people hope its the latter but as you get older that kind of fades.

i dunno.
thats what I'm saying

is it finding someone who you're really really really compatible with and then building with

or is it this big romantic, cosmic thing that its made out to be.

i think most people hope its the latter but as you get older that kind of fades.

i dunno.

yeah I don't really know either, I feel like most couples outside a few I know aren't in "true love" but rather they have learned to love each other if that makes sense

I see too many people quit on each other to really think true love is a thing outside a very select amount of individuals so I guess do I believe it in...yes

do I believe in it for everyone? not at all
When you pull out and finish on her stomach and hand her the wipes or wipe it yourself. That right there is the true sign of loving someone.
From my experience with my most recent relationship that failed i would say i would rather have that strong, romantic, emotional feeling of love than the compatible, compromising, growth version of love.

I had the later and in the end it didnt keep me interested. The emotion and feeling just wasnt there.
Love is when she bonds you out of jail brings you home cooks for you sexes you down and has clothes ironed for you and lets you bend corners in her whip wit no questions.

True love is when she does all of that and gives you money for some mota.
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It's when you actually decide to live for that person and your only goal is to make them/their life happy/perfect. No reciprocation.

But hopefully they feel the same way

If a man won't die for something he isn't fit to live - MLKJR
To me love is one of those things that is soo hard to explain but when you feel it you like know. When your in love with someone nothing else compares and it makes you realize why it never worked with anyone else. Its not always easy and sometimes you go through so much but if you can overcome any circumstance or hard times than it must be true love. But then again everyone has different definitions of love 
When the little stuff she does that used to bother you when other women did them doesn't bother you one bit.
I know I can never find true love with a chick with busted feet
ugh feet are soo gross man 
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