I'm not even Chinese vol. Mistaken identity


formerly winter91
Sep 27, 2014
Ever Ben mistaken for something your not ? Ex Dominican when your black ..
every time I fill in human inside the space.
Was in Hawaii recently and a group of tourist mistaken me for a local. It happened often whenever I walked around Waikiki to a point where it started to get annoying. Toward the end, I gave out directions to the strip club.
I been mistaken for Japanese when I'm really Chinese :lol:

lol ain't eem mad at this anymore.

some dude thought i was mexican once. ???

its funny how asians can tell other asians apart :lol:

I can't tell people apart. People are so mixed and from different areas now that I have a tough time.

I've had people speak to me in Spanish and Chinese. I don't really look Asian, I think my great grandfather was Spanish or at least part Spanish. I tell people i'm Eurasian, word to 1984.
I'm Filipino and every spanish mother, who's daughter I used to slay back in the day, always seemed to nickname me "chino". Never phased me though as I chalked it up to just ignorance and I wasn't gonna be around for too long to explain it to them anyway :lol:
In high school someone used to call me chino too. I didn't care either, my school was full of idiots.

Gotten the usual asian jokes/Yao Ming in high school.

Gotten latino/mexican of course.

Some chinese ladys just straight up talking to me chinese.

Cambodians look like us so got that a couple times too.
I've gotten mistaken for being Dominican a few times when I grow my hair a little. I'm pure Negus, man.
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I get mistaken for Hispanic all the time down here, apparently I'm from all kinds of different countries lol. Hispanics make up a majority of the population around where I live so it's understandable I guess. Then there's some people who swear I'm Asian, and they always go for the Philippines, South Korea, or Indonesia.

My dad is a white american, and my mom is Trinidadian with a mix of chinese background somewhere in there.

Hell the other day this cashier asked me where my family is from, and when I told him Trinidad he said "I knew you were Hispanic but I didn't know you were from Cuba!?" (referring to the city of Trinidad in Cuba).
I used to get black or black/mix a lot :lol:

not so much anymore.

I'm full latin papi tho :smokin

messcan/trucha to be exact.
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