Traveling to another country = automatic expert?


formerly worldgonemad
Jan 21, 2014
does anyone else know people like this?

for example,

I know so many people who been to Japan and when they come back they act like they now think they're some expert in Japanese culture and history and what not 

They learn a couple words and they think they fluent too lol. **** irks me so hard 

what makes me even more angry is that I majored in E. Asian history and studied Japanese (read, write, and speak) and they think they can school me 

I remember my co-worker came back from a trip to Korea and he tried to school me on Korean BBQ..... im like BRUH....

I just straight up told him "I'm Korean and you tryna tell ME about Korean BBQ? LOL"
This happens all the time :smh:

I've travelled alot and i'll put in my 2 cent when i feel like i can add to the conversation. But i'm no expert by all means :lol:

People going to thailand for 2 weeks and come back all hippie on that wanderlust vibe and ****. Man you were out there for only two weeks and you visited only the islands, foh about how much you love thai culture.
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People that are like that.

I've had people school me on stuff because they read a wikipedia page and swear they are experts.
I thought I was the only one. This is some of the most obnoxious behavior, and it seems with this generation's penchant for cheap travel, it's far too common.
When cats go to Thailand and they come back like they expert Muy Thai boxers and **** :smh:
I know what you mean; I travel a lot and have a lot of exposure to different cultures, but I never pretend like I know everything. I do know exactly the type you're talking about; this dude I know went to Portugal (I'm half Portuguese) and then tried teaching me about all this nonsense that he "learned" there (turns out he completely misinterpreted all of it though :lol:)
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Speaking of these Muay Thai experts, there's a bar I went to in Thailand where you can hop in the ring and fight other drunk idiots. Saw so many stupid dudes make fools out of themselves and almost die by challenging people that can actually fight (while wearing the Muay Thai shorts they bought off the street) :rofl:
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I rarely travel and when I do I research the destination to death and get my itinerary on point... so you best believe when I come back I'm gonna be on my Rick Steves wave. All that money spent, they gon deal with it! :lol:

Thailand has been ruined by westerners don't care, that place is just :x :smh:

Also the fact that it's a child sex tourism hot spot makes me sick t my stomach.
Americans get a bad rep in Europe, but the type of Australians and Brits that go to Southeast, they're on some other @#%@. Most obnoxious people I've encountered in my life
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When cats go to Thailand and they come back like they expert Muy Thai boxers and **** :smh:

Thats the worst.

Like son you probably took one class and couldn't finish it because the heat was too much for your frail ***.

I think it's pretty cool when one gains more knowledge about another culture

It is very cool. But don't act like 2 weeks have you all the knowledge to school people about the culture and tradition.

I love to talk about travel and learn from people that have traveled to place i haven't been.

But them obnoxious know it all people. Pass.

Thailand has been ruined by westerners don't care, that place is just :x :smh:

Also the fact that it's a child sex tourism hot spot makes me sick t my stomach.

True and sad.

Still have a few gems in the north.

But that child sex tourism... Man it was getting to me seeing old man with teens :smh: :x
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You telling me I'm not an expert in all things Mexican because I spend a few days down there every few months? The nerve, the ******* nerve :smh:
I enjoy allowing people to talk about themselves. It feels good for them. I just laugh inside, butbyes, I know the type of person you are referring to
LOL those aussies and londoners think every girl walking the streets of USA is a prostitute...

They be like;
I mean they girls bust it wide open for us when we go to they countries though i can't be mad at then getting yambs
i went to visit family out in Acapulco in June and this guy tried schooling me in USA history...bruh I'm from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and this guy is trying to lecture me on Louisiana and the 13 colonies. He said Louisiana was one of the 13 colonies and was adamant about it. Now being in his household i didn't want to debunk him in a room full of people but i was letting him know he was wrong real gentle like. Then he throws himself under the bus by telling me he knows it was one of the 13 colonies because he's a history teacher..****, clown. 
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does anyone else know people like this?

for example,

I know so many people who been to Japan and when they come back they act like they now think they're some expert in Japanese culture and history and what not 

They learn a couple words and they think they fluent too lol. **** irks me so hard 

what makes me even more angry is that I majored in E. Asian history and studied Japanese (read, write, and speak) and they think they can school me 

I remember my co-worker came back from a trip to Korea and he tried to school me on Korean BBQ..... im like BRUH....

I just straight up told him "I'm Korean and you tryna tell ME about Korean BBQ? LOL"
OT, maybe I went to the wrong restaurants in S. Korea, but I thought the korean bbq in LA was much better. 
not sure what it is about Japan, but it seems to bring out a particular brand of weirdo, those body pillow waifu types...

those are the only types that ive met that actively claim to be "experts" on Japanese culture, which im sure is not even anywhere remotely close to what Japan is actually like...
I kinda have the opposite problem...I'm in Mexico for work and since I'm black with locs, everyone either wants to show off their freestyle skills or reggae knowledge for me. It's more funny to me than anything, I get a lot of free drinks and other party favors out of it so I can live with some friendly profiling.

I wouldn't dream of going back to the old country talking about how I'm some expert on Latino culture tho...that just seems obnoxious.
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