Anyone with experience willing to critique my resume?


formerly worldgonemad
Jan 21, 2014
Hey NT,

im graduating this year Dec. and I been job searching and working on my resume.

However i wanted some opinions on my resume before sending it out to employers.

I know each resume should be tailored to the job im applying to but I have a general resume that I wouldnt mind being criticized.

Im willing to PM my resume of course. Any help would be appreciated 
OP first off congrats on your almost being done. II don't know the IT word so I cant speak to that realm specifically but here are some general tips...

* Find out if there's a specific way the resume should be formatted for your industry. I best know the finance and consulting world and sites like have the template that everyone uses for investment banking and consulting roles. I wouldn't be surprised if the IT world had something similar. 

* Be active on linkedin. Reach out to program alumni or school alumni in the IT field. It will expand your network and it opens up other doors. 85% of jobs are filled by who they know , so alot of the time it doesn't matter how great your resume is if they don't know you.

* To get around the stupid ATS software that many companies use go to . This site allows you to upload your resume and the job description. It then figures out what keywords/ buzzwords the posting has and compares it to your resume. This site is a great resource to tweak your resume for each job. If you do more than one search it will ask you to pay , but I found you can get around this by using incognito mode in google chrome. ( this saves you from having to clear your history after each search). Compare a job and then close the window, and reopen a new incognito window and perform a new search.

Again I'm not in IT , but if you want to PM your resume I may be able to provide some useful feedback.
OP first off congrats on your almost being done. II don't know the IT word so I cant speak to that realm specifically but here are some general tips...

* Find out if there's a specific way the resume should be formatted for your industry. I best know the finance and consulting world and sites like have the template that everyone uses for investment banking and consulting roles. I wouldn't be surprised if the IT world had something similar. 

* Be active on linkedin. Reach out to program alumni or school alumni in the IT field. It will expand your network and it opens up other doors. 85% of jobs are filled by who they know , so alot of the time it doesn't matter how great your resume is if they don't know you.

* To get around the stupid ATS software that many companies use go to . This site allows you to upload your resume and the job description. It then figures out what keywords/ buzzwords the posting has and compares it to your resume. This site is a great resource to tweak your resume for each job. If you do more than one search it will ask you to pay , but I found you can get around this by using incognito mode in google chrome. ( this saves you from having to clear your history after each search). Compare a job and then close the window, and reopen a new incognito window and perform a new search.

Again I'm not in IT , but if you want to PM your resume I may be able to provide some useful feedback.
Thanks so much. Esp for the jobscan website. I'll def. be using it 
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