How should fapping on the subway be dealt with?

Sounfs like there was kids. He shoulda got beat down.

Is this common in new york? Nobody even reacted.
That was messed up. Clearly he is mentally handicapped. Doesn't know any better.

She sent her message clear when she told him to stop.. and he complied. Then she got incredibly rude.
This happened on the A i took to Harlem, sad I was numb to it and switched cars
The title of the thread leads me to believe this is a normal ovcurence in ny.

I dont eem know how u could do that on the train tho.

I gotta be at home. Naked except for my black timbs.

The ones without the leather collar. The grimey ones.
Probably the same woman who watched her husband get beat by that construction worker.
Listen i had a tough day and something caught my eye as well as my third eye. So I proceeded to act like any normal man would act. Didn't mean to do it around children. But the women from Precious didn't have to scream at me like that. It was harmless, only thing was suffering was my junior becuase my grip was Incredible Hulk.
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This ain't common in ny :lol:
Break dancing dudes in the train and Mexican Sombrero guys are
This ain't common in ny

Break dancing dudes in the train and Mexican Sombrero guys are
yoooooooooooooooooooooooooo im crine
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