Niketalk Is There Any Other Options Besides Selling/Renting My House or Foreclosure?

May 25, 2001
I just refinanced, but it's still expensive. I read about a "friendly foreclosure," where I guess you go to the bank with the deed and tell them, "here." I guess banks prefer that over a normal foreclosure since foreclosing costs them 10k or more. I guess the impact on your credit is less.

It's just expensive, selling/renting would require an impossible effort (well if it was just me then no problem) to keep it showroom clean while living there with my girlfriend and baby. I just want to not have to pay for it anymore and be done with it. Owning was fun, will go back to renting for now.

Anyone ever been foreclosed? How hard did it hit your credit? Did it mess you up for Government jobs or jobs in general?
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