What are some personal dreams youve given up on? VOL.....JASON WATERFALLS

Apr 15, 2004
Maybe u wanted to be an athlete. .....musicians.......actor

But for whatever reason things didnt work out or your life took a different turn

Baseball professional. was scouted for college and played for 2 yrs for the school but ultimately wasn't good enough for the big league or even minor league. No one drafted or even went to look at me. Sad face sad face

The fact that I will never even get the chance to meet, let alone lay the pipe, on Cassie is a travesty.
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I'll be 27 in a couple weeks and I haven't even attempted anything as far as pursuing a dream

So really I haven't given up. I'm just a lazy bastard.smh

I always had hoop dreams and could of very well made them happen successfully but that died out after they stopped drafting outta high school. I had NO interest in going to college since birth...smh

I'd still like to get into some sort of moto racing. Either ATV's, liter bikes or Formula 1...

Just need somebody to sponsor a brotha and spot me some funds up front... I'll win it back with interest... And make your brand look good ;-)
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Living a normal life without a crippling disease 

I get my DNA test results on Sept 12th but I'm not expecting any good news.

So far the doctors' advice has been to avoid physical activity and take carnitine supplements. The latter is the substance my body either can't create or utilize properly but even supplementing it has an almost negligible effect. I can do my household tasks with a little less cramps and exhaustion but that's about it.
Art. Worked as a graphic designer for years and did my side hustle which included managing a rapper (there was never a dull moment) but my ex threw a monkey wrench into my plans and hated on both my 9 to 5 and my hustles. Looking back, she was jealous because she was an art major not doing art.

I also burned some bridges by making some ****** up decisions under pressure. I still occasionally draw, but to get back to where I was, with the connections that I had is damn near impossible. I won't say that I gave up, I just try to be a provider for my daughters in the best way possible rather than put myself first now.
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Wanted to be a sketch artist. Took some classes as a kid and made a few pieces that I'm actually kind of proud of. Then I just stopped. Don't even know why but I was always drawing up through my early teens.

Now I'm 28 and really want to be involved in music either creatively or on the business side. I'd be happy with either. Invested in some production equipment. Hitting that beginner wall where nothing sounds good and its hard to translate thoughts to actual songs. I just keep watching my tutorials and hopefully it'll all start clicking.
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my plan was to move to San Diego next year and open some kind of pizza truck and eventually a bar, I am not saying that dream is over but recently found out my dad has cancer so plans are changing

it's been a rough year between a break up and this but I ain't dead yet, always try to look at life glass half full
Law school.
Was supposed to go right after college, but didn't feel like preparing for the lsat. Now, 10 years later, the thought of law school and all that reading does not sound appealing at all. I was never an avid reader. Idk why but it's something I've never enjoyed, unless of course it's a topic that I find interesting. Plus the unemployment rate of lawyers and the corruption in the legal system doesn't make the profession seem any more appealing.

Surprised to see art mentioned in the thread a few times. I won't say that I've given up on it, I just rarely have inspiration to do anything. I'd love to draw/paint for a living, but I'm not trying to have mad paintings sitting around that no one is buying.

Of course nba, figured out that would be a no go in middle school. I always felt like I was good, but just not good enough for my height (5'8").
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What is your disease? If you dont mind me asking.
It's not 100% confirmed yet but the specialists are currently testing my DNA for CPT-2 deficiency. A special team of doctors dedicated to diagnosing particularly tough unresolved cases took my case last October. They only accept a select few cases to work on and literally made more progress in a single appointment than every doctor combined the past ~2,5 years.

They ran some bloodtests on our first appointment for substances that aren't on any standard test and they found that I had roughly 75 times the normal count of a substance released from muscle wasting in my blood. They then did a muscle biopsy and an EMG but nothing out of the ordinary showed up in the results. More bloodtests followed and then they discovered my carnitine levels are incredibly low. Carnitine is essential in providing energy to the muscles so they concluded that was the root cause of all my symptoms. Constant chronic pain in both lower legs, muscle weakness, severe cramps during the slightest bit of physical activity, ... For a while I couldn't even talk properly because I couldn't utilize enough energy to speak in full sentences. That has improved a lot with carnitine supplements though. I still have some trouble talking occasionally if I'm doing some form of physical activity at the same time but for the most part that's no longer an issue.

Given those bloodtest results and all my symptoms, they concluded that CPT-2 deficiency was the likely diagnosis and ordered a DNA test in february to confirm it. Testing costs several thousand euros so they need to be quite certain about what they're testing for before ordering it. I'm 100% covered by my dad's work insurance now since he got promoted but either way that's still a large sum of money.


There's very little I can find about the disease. There's not even a wiki page for it in my language, much less any sort of information about treatment.
ive never given up on any dreams per se, just have changed them along the way

like after high school, i really wanted to be a fire fighter, but went into welding instead because i love working with my hands. after getting certified as a welder, i decided to finish out my BAS in industrial manufacturing, which led to a job in agriculture. i loved my job at first, but then they stuck me behind a desk so i quit. So now im going back to school to be a firefighter in January

And thats basically how all my personal dreams have gone. Ive accomplished a lot of them but just not really in the way I had planned. But I guess thats the point of life, right?
I was born to be a baller. Either it was going to be hooping, or it was going to be coming through two door Bentley coupin.
Baseball professional. was scouted for college and played for 2 yrs for the school but ultimately wasn't good enough for the big league or even minor league. No one drafted or even went to look at me. Sad face sad face

Basically same thing. I ended up switching to submarine. Had a couple teams show interest. If i threw as hard submarine as i did over the top they said theyd have offered something.
Ah well...
Do something in the video game industry.

Right now working on getting my project management certification

Nor trying to be broke or joint account with the misses no more
Kinda on the flip side, there are things that I'd like to pursue that I have no idea how to gain experience nor any connects.

I always thought I'd be good at coming up with ideas for commercials, or writing for a sitcom, I Google'd it and landed no concrete leads.
Living somewhere warm and peaceful.
Where I live used to be wet and peaceful.
Then we had expo 86 and the 2010 winter games.
Now im literally typing as hella sirens go off and people are cursing each other out in traffic ,on a holiday, outside my window.

The dream is gone because my gf needs to be near gucci, starbucks, sushi and well, to put it bluntly........other chinese people.
I cant really move her somewhere that isnt an urban epicenter, or to put it as she says " too full of white people "
I understand tho. I wouldn't want to be the only fine chinese girl in a town full of truck drivers and mill workers either.

Im so done with the weak weather and lining up everywhere I go for things that used to be fun.
That time your chinese gf keeps you from white flighting
I think I'm over the big metro area life. Probably move back to a low key city where the famb is and start a business. Gonna keep stacking till I figure out what.
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that the one woman for me is out there...also, I have no desire to be President any more.

other than that, I'm still all in on the pursuit of power, glory and influence. I flatly refuse to let my inner child be disappointed with me.
I think I'm over the big metro area life. Probably move back to a low key city where the famb is and start a business. Gonna keep stacking till I figure out what.

Bruh. :wow:

Funny y'all are both saying this. Me and my gf just decided we're stacking for 2 years and leaving San Diego. Cost of living is ridiculous and we're boring home bodies now. About the only thing we take advantage of is the beach. I wanns live where there are trees, rain and a decent fall and winter. I'm thinking Washington state or Oregon.
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