Religious famb... Keep it funky...

Oct 30, 2009
1. Why do you think you're right and everyone else is wrong?

2. Do you view holy scripture as fact or metaphorical?
1. I believe in God of the Bible (YHVH- Yahweh). Every other belief system (outside of Judaism, which uses the Torah -the first 5 books of Bible- as its foundation) can be traced to one man's account receiving divine revelation from "the Creator." ( And usually there are no witnesses). Not assuming these revelations are fabricated, it just hinges the existence of the entire belief system on the shoulders of one persons integrity, perception, and judgement. Contrast this with God of the Bible.

God has revealed himself to people on individual basis as well ( see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob). He often validates His previous revelations by referencing the other people He has spoken with. (ex. Exodus 6:3) But He also did revealed himself to 1.2 million (est.) people at Mount Sinai. (ex.Deuteronomy 4:9-13) He reveals Himself and implores them to remember and pass down the knowledge to their descendants. Jewish people (one of the 12 tribes present at Mt.Sinai) still til this day keep this tradition of passing down these accounts.

Now is it possible to have a million+ people corroborate a false story? Hey, to me, nothing is impossible. ( It does seem mighty challenging tho) But this belief system has numerous individual revelations that also reference one another. It has unique large group revelations, taking the integrity, perception, and judgement of over a million people into account for validation. And, a call to action for each person to remember and share what took place.

Now I am in no way trying to diminish or denounce any other belief systems, regarding the abrasive tone the first question may have been asked in. But with all these things to consider, it allow me to feel comfort in the ground I stand on when it comes to my faith.

2. Fact. Some stuff are metaphorical as well.
Just because we cant perceive how a thing can happen doesn't mean it didn't (see Stone Hendge)
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Religion is man made construct tof control people.

People that do good because they want eternal life in heaven aren't really good people.

Pastors are scamany artists that profit off selling hope to people.

Catholics are horrible people that rape children, cover it up, and then continue going every week as if they don't know what's going on.

If I was a member of an organization that systematically raping children and then covering it up, you can bet I would not longer be a member of that organization. Catholics don't seem to think like that though.
Religion is man made construct tof control people.

People that do good because they want eternal life in heaven aren't really good people.

Pastors are scamany artists that profit off selling hope to people.

Catholics are horrible people that rape children, cover it up, and then continue going every week as if they don't know what's going on.

If I was a member of an organization that systematically raping children and then covering it up, you can bet I would not longer be a member of that organization. Catholics don't seem to think like that though.
Cant blame you for feeling like this. There are bad examples of believers everywhere. They cast a big over shadow the good. But they do exist.
Im not religious but its weird....

If i were in a car and for some reason the driver drove it off a cliff...during those seconds before i hit the ground...i would pray.
1. Why do you think you're right and everyone else is wrong?

I ask the same about Atheist

2. Do you view holy scripture as fact or metaphorical?

If you consider yourself religious don't you have to take it fact?

I believe in some sort of after life, not sold on the heaven and hell bit though.
2. Fact. Some stuff are metaphorical as well.
Just because we cant perceive how a thing can happen doesn't mean it didn't (see Stone Hendge)
:lol: Nice cop out

Talking snakes
Turning Water into Win
Old Men parting bodies of water

All perception right? :nerd:

It makes more sense that all religions are RIGHT or WRONG; than it is for ONE (Christianity) to be right. That is my biggest issue with Christianity.
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f the entire human race were wiped out and a new one came about millions of years later eventually they would come up with science. ....mathematics. ...but wat about religion :nerd:
My religion is be the best human being you can be, I don't need to conform to some scripture that's most likely bogus

I also hate when people F up and find God all the sudden
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Of course they would come up with Religion.

Whoever would be in control would realize that the easiest way to keep people oppressed/down is to promise them RIches in the AfterLife.

What gets me is people KNOW Religion is man made; yet they believe MAN when MAN says the words in the Bible are the words of God given to MAN.

So you believe MAN
My religion is be the best human being you can be, I don't need to conform to some scripture that's most likely bogus

I also hate when people F up and find God all the sudden
Last point for a while.

It is wild to me that folks HONESTLY believe you need religion indoctrination to know right/wrong or have morals
It's sad kids really have no choice but to accept what there parents force on them. I'd rather let people decide what they believe as adults. You can teach your kid right from wrong off basic morals and principles alone.
It would be way too convenient for gods people believe in to reveal themselves now, so they don't. They'd rather rely on tales people told in ancient times.

If Zeus ever appeared, it would be lit.
I don't think the principle of religion is inherently bad but I firmly believe all major organized religions are a cancerous plague to society. It is no more than an indoctrination tool for the power hungry leadership. Doesn't mean every religious person is bad of course but overall I think society would have made more progress if we were all atheist/agnostic or buddhists. There's plenty of people who simply follow their religions' main teachings and don't adhere to the toxic beliefs in the scriptures but I don't think they're a majority.
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I don't think he sees what I'm doing here, I've started treating religious people like I treat racists....some of them are way too far gone to reason with. :lol:

That's how my ex was

Born Catholic then becomes a Christian and was just wild loco/hypocritical/narcissistic
Religion is the WORST tool of human division because it indirectly tells people to not question things and look forward for the future
1. Why do you think you're right and everyone else is wrong?

2. Do you view holy scripture as fact or metaphorical?

I don't think I'm right and everybody else is wrong.

I believe what I believe, and I follow my convictions and what I think are truths from the bible to save MYSELF. I don't believe all others are damned if they don't follow my beliefs. I think that as long as people follow their own convictions and beliefs, or whatever it takes for them to be good people, regardless of religion, we will all end up alongside each other in paradise.

I don't want to be apart of a heaven that doesn't accept all good people from all walks of life, and all different beliefs systems. From what I've read and my interpratation of it, god will not hold judgement against people who grew up with differing beliefs.

Good people are good people, and if heaven exists, we all deserve to be in there together.
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:lol: Nice cop out

Talking snakes
Turning Water into Win
Old Men parting bodies of water

All perception right? :nerd:

It makes more sense that all religions are RIGHT or WRONG; than it is for ONE (Christianity) to be right. That is my biggest issue with Christianity.

don't forget a person living inside of a whale.

i find it funny that the bible talks about whale even though in that particular region there are no whales. i forgot which cathedral it was at but they depicted the story jonah. and the 'whale' was a pig with fins :lol:
To be fair it doesn't say whale - it says great fish.

you're right. the fact there is really no big fish in that area is quite laughable. and also it wasn't an apple it was more a pomegranate.
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