GET OUT -- New horror film about black man meeting white gf's parents. Looks creepy.

Had Georgina looking old

She cute.
After they hit the deer... notice there's Blood on Chris' Headlight of the Car..... WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

And the dad says there's a bunch of Black mold in the attic
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Comments were entertaining as expected. :lol: "My feelings are because you're telling me about your experiences." [emoji]127997[/emoji]‍♂️
In the movie Memento, the basement is synonymous with your figurative subconscious. "Come on, let's go down to the basement. Then you'll know who you really are..." (Also the hippocampus is literally the deepest part of the brain, which is the part that Leonard injured, causing him to have short term memory loss)

Get Out trying to convey that deep down, having a "black mind" is considered an infectious fungus? Maybe?
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If you havent seen the movie Skeleton Key, go see it. Its not on this level good but uses the same deal of using/transferring bodies. I like it

I walked in the theater and was like every white person looked at me
.. told my wife weird howd i know id be the only black guy in here. I was the only one laughin at most the joke stuff it was like they didnt get it or felt uncomfortable or something

My take on everything below
• Opening scene. Pretty realistic, a lot of yall say your instinct would be to run but i think turning the other way not fully paranoid was the norm reaction. I wouldnt have lost sight of the car though

• Hitting the deer. Idk how many of you know what ASMR is (look it up) but once they hit the deer to me I took it as Chris had a certain audible trigger, the way the wind was isolated blowing and then the screams suffering. So the mom told him how it works was she gets them to a level of comfort they dont realize, she picked up on his hearing sense when they were at the table drinking tea. He had zoned out, this was accident but it worked. So she had him right there.

• I think saying Rose was bi/dated chicks is a reach. To me i just see that as a black girl friend she brought home. As someone else mentioned, probably sought out those that had no ties left behind. As for as "ncca prospect" that part was strictly for comedy just go to with the theme of the black folk auction

•I was able to tie the brother together pretty quickly just by how he carried himseld at the dinner table

• The mom deserves the credit ahe was getting from someone else who said she had them all under the spell. She controlled the brother by his name in a certain tone. Im sure they all had certain things that triggered the obedience.

• Georgina (prob the Grandmas actual name) host had the strongest will to break the spell. It wasnt perfected with her but strong enough to take hold. All while the host is trying to break free, the zoning out and tears scene.

• when the dad talked about the granddad losing to jesse ownes, he finishes with saying "he still never got over it". Explains the running part with the groundskeeper, he even had the running form they had back in the day.

• Rose played dumb pretty well imo but when she said he was the first black dude .. nah you aint bringing me over as the FIRST unannounced. And parents didnt even act any at all surprised or caught off guard for him being "the first". She also knew he had found the pics but she didnt care as it was time to take him down anyway. He didnt want to believe it though.

• i personally kinda wished the daighter had no idea and she was under the spell but at the same time i enjoyed it the way it turned out.

• Cotton part was nice touch, as well as the explaining 3 moves ahead then using it on him.

• TSA dude is a real one. We all need a friend like that he was truly concerned for his boy. A lot of dudes would be worried but then just write it off n go about they business

Its late i know im missing stuff but ill catch up tomorrow
Smh at you wishing there to be a simmering hope that the white woman is innocent and ignorant to the white supremacist BS I'm glad she exposed her self can't trust none of Dr Yakubs children lol 
This was a really great movie 
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