Any doctors in the house? Need quick advice on a cut

Man that ain't nothing but a scratch.
You ain't need no stitch for a scratch.
I know, I got 6 stitches in my eyelid
Man up homie. Put some vaseline on it and get back in the ring.

In seriousness though, I think you just need some Neosporin for a gash like that. The main thing you want to focus on is not letting it get infected.
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what happened?

looks like the edges are lined up. just make sure it's clean. you could use some tissue adhesive or tape to keep the skin edges together as they heal.
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Lmao. Just came to an urgent care facility jic. Med technician just came out..said put some Neosporin and steri-strips and call it day. Evidently it's gonna scar regardless so no point in paying to see someone.

good look boys!

And for those asked what happened. My dumbass teammate set a pick with his elbows extended and caught me in the eye
Urgent care facility? For that? You never been cut before? 
It was one of those intermediary spots thats between an er and a primary care. A walk-in clinic type spot. And bad cut.. maybe one other time in HS and I think I should gotten stitches, because the scar is turrible..I never know how to treat a cut [emoji]128530[/emoji]
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