Just sharing some exciting news...

Oct 6, 2001
I just left my oncologist and he gave me the good news that today is 6 years since I've had cancer.

I've been in remission since and it feels great to know I've gotten past such a horrible disease.

I had stage 2 Hogdkins Lymphoma in my neck and chest and went through chemo/radiation.

I've dealt with it first hand so I know how tough it is, to everyone out there dealing with or have friends/family going through it, my prayers are with y'all & them.

Here is to erasing this disease from ever getting to anyone else.
Glad to hear it bro.

I'm sure you're on top of it but this may be of interest:

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keep them spirits high
Congrats bro :pimp:

If you dont mind me asking, what were some of the symptoms that led to you getting checked out and finding the cancer early enough to treat?
Just curious. Since things are all good now I would be interested in knowing how the journey all began and how you initially found out.
Congrats bro :pimp:

If you dont mind me asking, what were some of the symptoms that led to you getting checked out and finding the cancer early enough to treat?
Just curious. Since things are all good now I would be interested in knowing how the journey all began and how you initially found out.

Thanks man.

I remember I felt light-headed every day for at least a week, I was very tired and I wanted to do nothing but sleep.

I had checked my blood sugar and it was spot on, so it wasn't that, no fevers or chills so I had no idea.

One day I was at work and I looked in the mirror, I saw my necklace higher up on my left side and wondered why...I felt where it was and it was like a golf ball was stuck in my neck, I think my heart skipped 10-15 beats and I immediately started freaking out.

I went to my PCP the following morning, being only 22 I was really scared and didn't know what it was. It didn't hurt at all so I knew it was something bad.

He said it might be a muscle from sleeping wrong, but it wasn't since it wasn't hurting at all no matter what you did to it.

I then saw an ear, throat and nose doctor and he also had no idea....

I went to the hospital and they did a biopsy with a long *** needle, results came back showing it was a collection of unorganized cells...that's why I panicked and knew it was something serious.

They then suggested I have surgery to remove whatever's in there, which they figured out was a lymph node enlarged tremendously.

I had surgery the following week, they then did a biopsy and two days later I had gotten a call while sleeping from the surgeon letting me know regretfully that I had cancer.

One week later I was admitted into the hospital where I was for 5 days with dozens of tests and such (including a bone marrow biopsy, which is the worst pain I've ever felt in my life), they discovered the one in my neck was about a golf ball, however I had a massive mass of it in my chest too.

I had my first round of chemo the second to last day I was in the hospital during that extended stay and that pretty much tells the story.
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