Ohio Takes Another L Vol. Heartbeat Bill

Apr 4, 2008
Ohio Passes Law That Bans Abortion After A Month And A Half - BuzzFeed News

BuzzFeed News Reporter
Abortion rights activists read the news about a Supreme Court decision in June that upheld Roe v. Wade.
Ohio legislators passed a “Heartbeat Bill” Wednesday that bans abortion after a fetus’ heartbeat can be heard — on average around six weeks into a pregnancy. The bill has no exception for cases of rape, incest, fetal abnormalities, or the health of the pregnant woman.
The bill was tacked on at the last minute to another bill addressing child abuse. It was approved in the Republican-dominated state House and Senate, and will now move on to Republican and anti-abortion Governor John Kasich’s desk. He will sign or veto it within the next 10 days.
“A hallmark of lame duck” — a term used to describe sessions of lawmakers that sit between when elections are over and the new lawmakers take office — “is a flood of bills, including bills inside of bills, and we will closely examine everything we receive,” said Kasich press secretary, Emmalee Kalmbach.
The American Civil Liberties Union has said that they would challenge the bill in court should it become law.
Many women do not know they are pregnant until they have missed two periods, which can often be around eight weeks. Others may find out before the six-week mark, but might still be unable to get an abortion in time because there are a lack of clinics in Ohio and state laws require women wait 24 hours between an informational appointment about abortion and having the procedure done.
Dr. Diane Horvath-Cosper, a practitioner of clinical medicine and member of Physicians for Reproductive Health, told BuzzFeed News that the bill was “extreme” and “dangerous.”
“We have evidence that shows that banning abortion does not make it go away — it just increases the chances that people will seek care in potentially unsafe environments,” Horvath-Cosper said.
The ban was attached at the last minute to another measure, House Bill 493, which expedites the process by which doctors report cases of child abuse to law enforcement authorities.
The bill was written by anti-abortion, anti-LGBT rights activist Janet Porter aka Janet Folger. She authored the book The Criminalization of Christianity: Read This Book Before It Becomes Illegal!
Republican state Sen. Kris Jordan called for the “heartbeat” amendment to be included earlier Wednesday morning. The Ohio Senate voted 20–11 to add the amendment, then passed the bill with a primarily partisan 21–10 vote.
“We are a pro-life caucus,” Jordan wrote in a statement. “The passage of this legislation in the Ohio Senate demonstrates our commitment to protecting the children of Ohio at every stage of life.”
Following Trump’s election, anti-abortion legislation has been introduced all over the country — including a law that would ban abortion entirely in Indiana. Pro-abortion rights groups are fighting back.
Last week, Planned Parenthood, the Center for Reproductive Rights, and the ACLU filed lawsuits in three states to overturn abortion restrictions, saying that they were against the 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, as well as June’s decision upholding the abortion rights law. In the latter, the court, by a vote of 5–3, struck down abortion provider restrictions in Texas.
If abortion legislation is challenged and makes its way to the US Supreme Court it would face the question of whether it places an undue burden on a woman’s right to an abortion.
If Kasich signs the bill or does nothing, the bill will become law early next year.
Planned Parenthood, ACLU File Lawsuits To Overturn Abortion Laws
Here’s How Trump’s Policies Could Impact Abortion Rights
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Ridiculous that this is still a thing.
Legalize abortion with a 12 week term limit like we have over here, problem solved.
More people should follow Tim Kaine's example of being personally opposed to abortion but still supporting pro-choice legislation. A lot of those people don't give a damn about the babies or the parents. They only care about what their god tells them is right. Nobody is forcing those biblethumpers to get an abortion but they sure love to deny everyone else the possibility of doing so.
Not even including abortions for rape, health concerns, ... :x :smh:
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There was like only one abortion clinic left in the city any way from my understanding.
Don't see a problem with it
So you want more neglected children in our society?
Shoulda closed them legs or use protection ?
Not talking about the ones that get raped.
condoms and contraceptives are not 100% fool proof.

these things still happen, right wingers always yelling about gubment in their lives yet they support this caveman law.

women should do whatever they want with their body, people complain about all these single mothers but support stuff like this.
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As a supporter and user of many abortions.... guess u gotta be quick on the draw. U got 6 weeks to stack that cash b.
Don't see a problem with it

and really only because technology is gonna shrink da line between fertilized egg and actual human being so drastically in da future im almost sure da public will eventually move to change it themselves...

that bill now though a lil too short...a good rule of thumb is by da 1st trimester..
This bill is unconstitutional and will be overturned by the Supreme Court if the Governor signs it into law. When will these yahoo's learn? :smh:
Kaisch already said in the pass the state doesn't have the money to fight the court cases that will result from this, and will most likely lose.

Hopefully he finds some sense and hit this with a veto
at a point where I'm losing hope in faith regarding a higher source. leaning towards ourselves as the higher. So why take that away from another.
As a supporter and user of many abortions.... guess u gotta be quick on the draw. U got 6 weeks to stack that cash b.
 @ user of many abortions 
Pro life until the baby is born. Then it's **** you pull yourself up by your bootstraps #prolifelogic
Even at nine weeks we get very low fetal fraction for DNA sequencing, so at six weeks to claim that a heartbeat would be sufficient not to have an abortion is absolutely crazy.

By the way, the same women that wrote this bill also wrote a book called The Criminalization of Christianity: Read This Book Before It Becomes Illegal. :x
Just when you think Ohio is on the come up with the Cavs winning and their baseball team getting to the World Series, you have the Browns and Bengals sucking, they elect Trump as POTUS, and now this BS
This is an awfully dumb law passed by Ohio.

There was like only one abortion clinic left in the city any way from my understanding.
Don't see a problem with it

So you want more neglected children in our society?

Shoulda closed them legs or use protection ?

Not talking about the ones that get raped.
That sentiment and rhetoric doesn't address the neglected child AT ALL :lol: :smh:

You ignored that to take a shot at the soon to be absentee and derelict parents.

If this ever spread to the whole country you'd see how quick ppl would get cruel and callous. Like in China when they use to leave newborns out in the woods if they broke that 1 child law.
wish I could simply kill off all the results of my poor decision making, within a month and a half....
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Yes, because when it comes to abortion, it is just about poor decisions.

Your life being in danger because of complications, or being raped, are just poor decisions.
I'm not for abortion if the sex was consensual, but I'd never tell anyone else what to do. 6 weeks seems kind of short, many women don't even know they are pregnant within that time frame.
wish I could simply kill off all the results of my poor decision making, within a month and a half....

I wish more people understood that thoughtless promiscuous women aren't the only people who get abortions

We all have wishes...
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