Niketalk, Got a Pest Thread vol Mouse in the Car Drinking MIO Energy

I put some bait stations out and sticky traps with peanut butter while wearing gloves. Are those the ones that electrocute them?
Set out traps with PB, it's a classic that always works. Or call a pest control company to come set them up and check for holes. I had an old apartment with mice problems and he was able to find where the entrance was. 

came here for this.

it's just a mouse. get some traps and wait it out.
He went in my girlfriend's laptop bag and was eating salsa packets but left no trail he had been in there or out of the car other than just finding **** he has been in after the fact. He's sneaky
Take your lady's car to the car wash and let them deal with it for a few minutes.
if you live in the country your going to have mice in winter time..just how it works. people who say they don't just haven't seen them. Ive seen em in people cars before. they put a trap on the floor mat and had one the next 2 or 3 in a row never had em in the car again. traps are quick and easy. set them out, leave for the day so the mice come out and you should get most of em with in the week. Its a loseing battle though. They can have 5 litters a year up to 14 at a time and they only preggo for 21 days..get to work or your gunna have a bunch more soon :lol:
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