"Junk food cravings are triggered by the mere thought of being low class"

I eat a salad for lunch everyday and drink some sort of veggy/fruit juice. I'm still poor and low class.
Poor ppl would eat healthy if salads were a dollar instead of double cheeseburgers ...it's all economics n how u grow up

more like poor choices...

a head of lettuce like 70¢, come corn, beets, cubumbers,and u got a salad.
It actually blows my mind that people would rather just let their health deteriorate when there are other options available that aren't expensive at all. 
i got money and i like to enjoy my food

and meat is not expensive. go to the grocery store and learn to cook...problem solved. 

im not eating beans and lentils b. 

i also indulge on going out to eat. and i don't know anyone that wants to meet up and eat salads. lmao
The thread is about poor people who tend to eat junk/fast food over healthy foods

The thing is eating healthy is actually cheap when you buy it yourself rather than going to some expensive organic healthy hipster restaurant 

Cooking yourself will usually always be cheaper, I don't deny that. I come from a wealthier family so I grew up always going out to fancy restaurants eating the most expensive steaks, prime rib, etc. However, even both my parents are both in their 50's now, and they barely eat fast food, yet they both aren't in the healthiest of shapes. 

You can't buy a good health, even with all the money in the world when you're putting garbage into your body for years on end, whether its fast food or not. 

It just comes down to lack of education, laziness, and poor choices when it comes to what foods people are putting into their bodies. 

Thats why the US is plagued with obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and countless kinds of cancer.  
Emotional eating is a mutha
He aint lyin'
Sometimes i snack on fresh raw spinach like they're potato chips 

Two years ago I didn't even eat spinach at all 

I'd say the more you eat healthy the more you learn to appreciate how good it makes you feel and in return actually enjoy it. 

Ive eaten whole bell peppers like they're apples as well.  

I think healthy eating can be an acquired tastes, specifically vegetables for me because I never even touched veggies really. 
Sometimes i snack on fresh raw spinach like they're potato chips 

Two years ago I didn't even eat spinach at all 

I'd say the more you eat healthy the more you learn to appreciate how good it makes you feel and in return actually enjoy it. 

Ive eaten whole bell peppers like they're apples as well.  

I think healthy eating can be an acquired tastes, specifically vegetables for me because I never even touched veggies really. 
I can eat broccoli like it's chocolate 
Da iceberg lettuce? You aint getting no nutrients from that, papi.

Unless u count Vitaman K :lol:

Green leaf lettuce is where it's at and you can get it for around the same cost as Iceberg

But there are a lot of factors that tie into eating habits w/ the main ones being education and economics. There's also a convenience factor, I eat more unhealthy in between the 2hrs before class than I do any other time due to cost and time constraints. Then you have to consider your location, is your area a food desert or very low healthy food choices? Once you've lived in that realm, you become conditioned to it.

And let's face it, we'd all choose the options over the raisins
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