Legit check 2017 royals

My pre-order pair. Something about that toe cap looks off too me. Reps for anyone who helps. Thanks
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Legit..the shape of the shoes from the back are perfect (it's like a winged shape)

Everything else checks out as well..enjoy
Thanks guys. Yeah this pair is pretty bad. You can't really see in the pics but the white rubber mid sole looks all deformed and crooked so it kinda throws of the shape too me, especially when compared to both my pair of banneds.On a positive note the blue leather on the back collar is so butter! Nicest peice of leather on any 1 I personally own.
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Legit, quality control on the Royals is horrible like others mentioned. One thing to point out that the Royals have a new type of shoe tree and my size 9 trees say size 9 to 9.5 
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