I know I'm sitting here debating whether or not to wait. The fact that they are QS has me concerned they could go fast, and I really don't want to miss out. 
Totally agreed, QS label is a major concern. I won't take chances, OG colorway is my favorite shoe ever. Last retro sat big time but the culture is way different now
Good point about the QS, but I don't see these selling out... unless Nike made a super-small production run.  The beasts will unlikely have any interest... more for the true Sampras/tennis fans... which is great.  

Having said that... if you really want them, just get them for retail.  The question you have to ask yourself is... if you like them enough, why take the risk?  Is a potential discount worth the risk of not being able to get them?
Went ahead and grabbed both from Nike.

Size 14 and 12% back from Mr Rebates

Glad to see the big sizes made in these
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Good point about the QS, but I don't see these selling out... unless Nike made a super-small production run.  The beasts will unlikely have any interest... more for the true Sampras/tennis fans... which is great.  

Having said that... if you really want them, just get them for retail.  The question you have to ask yourself is... if you like them enough, why take the risk?  Is a potential discount worth the risk of not being able to get them?
Interestingly enough it doesn't say QS on NDC. These will probably sit for awhile. 
I **** w these heavy, just dont know how id style them since most people ive seen w them just rock em w shorts. also torn on which cw i should cop lol
what are your thoughts lmk

or should i just cop the atc3s lmfao fml
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The III's and Flares are a must have if you didn't cop them. The og Flare cw is better but the leather on them isn't what it used to be for the Flares.
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Original Black white Flares, jeans, matching purple polo shirt. Purple shirt will then double as matching shirt for purple 3s. :smile:
Yea I don't understand Nike's decision to go with the III's vs the Oscillates. It should have been the Air LWP's since that's what he wore in the tennis street commercial . But in all of those photos I'm not seeing any new gear which is disappointing. Especially for a 25 year anniversary for the shoe. I'm just happy that the volt III's were finally retroed properly.
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