DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

I'm thinking about what makes an R movie and to me there doesn't need to be a lot of cursing or gory violence. It can be handled the way a Game of Thrones ep is done with probably not as graphic sex scenes.

The idea of it in my head where it turns out really good doesn't involve it needed to be rated R but maybe it would be and I'm forgetting some key things not allowed in pg 13 flicks.

To me Deadpool is a different animal cuz he's much more than just action and violence.
The way I was saying it was just that as a hero there's some things you can't be seen doing; killing, being reckless with powers, etc. An anti-hero can do all that cuz while he's doing the right thing he's doing it in a way that is not heroic in a sense.

Thor's arrogant at times in a likeable way, plus he learned the errors of his ways. Namor is arrogant in a way that'll piss you off and you won't like him if you were around him but in a movie it has it's entertainment.
I get it! Yah I dont see them having the tech to pull off underwater killing and overusing powers for a while.
I'm thinking about what makes an R movie and to me there doesn't need to be a lot of cursing or gory violence. It can be handled the way a Game of Thrones ep is done with probably not as graphic sex scenes.

The idea of it in my head where it turns out really good doesn't involve it needed to be rated R but maybe it would be and I'm forgetting some key things not allowed in pg 13 flicks.

To me Deadpool is a different animal cuz he's much more than just action and violence.

You specifically said banging a bunch of random chicks so I think they'd have to somewhat touch on that and while not being graphic, having him go in a room and the door closes and the audience implies he banged the chick is somewhat lame. :lol:

I guess they can get away with similar violence as Wolverine, just omit the blood from the scenes. PG13 means you are still trying to appeal to kids and everything he'll have to do (just based on your descriptions) doesn't seem PG13 appropriate anyways? I really don't know. Is he the type of guy who will learn from his mistakes in the end and become a hero? If not, will he end the film as a bad guy?

In the Venom, the pay-off is he goes against Spiderman in a sequel and in the comics, he actually became a good anti-hero. Not sure if that's Namor or enough of the public even know enough about him to care really. I really don't know what Namors been up to lately though so I can't say which way the story would/should/could go.
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Last week, Mario-Francisco Robles of Latino Review reported that "Batman vs Superman and Justice League are going to be shot back-to-back. He also said, Batman vs Superman would end with an "insane cliffhanger/teaser that leads right into Justice League. I'm told by General Napier that shooting Batman Vs. Superman and Justice League back-to-back is being considered but no official decision has been made at this time. But, I was also contacted by another source, who requested anonymity, and he told me Justice League is a go, and will be released one year after Batman Vs. Superman.

As for the cliffhanger rumor? General Napier, tells me that's very much true. Cliffhangers, will actually be one key component in WB's master plan to dethrone Marvel Studios. WB realizes that Marvel films are famous for their mid- and post-credits scenes, and have no interest in copying from Marvel's playbook. WB's plan, is to end each of their films with a cliffhanger, setting up the next film in their cinematic universe. WB also wants to do short films for their lesser known characters. These short films would be played at the end of each film. That's a pretty interesting way of taking on Marvel's trademark post-credits scenes.

I was gonna post that but I didn't think anyone here went to that site.

The cliffhanger idea is stupid. Cliffhangers are supposed to be unexpected, not anticipated.
Pretty much the same can be said about Marvels end-credit scenes, people expect it and it gives you a little bit to keep you interested. I get what you are saying though.

I'm curious how they pull it off though, a short film after the actual feature film seems like it will take some steam off of the movie you just saw especially if it ends in a cliffhanger.

It might be better if the short film is in the beginning kind of like what Pixar does at times, not sure though if the short film is suppose to have a character that is suppose to lead to the next film.
What Marvel does is a bit different. It's simply a teaser to hype you for something else. Cliffhangers just leave you with uncertainty, which is good for certain films.

When Nick Fury came in at the end of Iron Man 1 was a teaser.
The ending of Inception was a cliffhanger.

As far as the short films, the best thing to do would be to replace the previews with the short film imo..
Are the previews controlled by the studios? I doubt they'd get rid of that as it's free advertising, as I said they can do it like what Pixar does in the beginning of films except theirs isn't exactly related to the feature film.

As for Marvel, they are definitely tip-toe-ing a grey area there, some definitely feels like a cliffhanger than a teaser, like Thanos at the end of the Avengers or the Gems at the end of Thor 2.

I mean DC can easily end the film with a similar cliffhanger as Thanos or Inception where they can just show Darkseids eyes or an Apokolips ship arriving on Earth. They can go a lot of different ways on how they define cliffhangers really. If done right, it can still be unexpected.
I'm thinking about what makes an R movie and to me there doesn't need to be a lot of cursing or gory violence. It can be handled the way a Game of Thrones ep is done with probably not as graphic sex scenes.

The idea of it in my head where it turns out really good doesn't involve it needed to be rated R but maybe it would be and I'm forgetting some key things not allowed in pg 13 flicks.

To me Deadpool is a different animal cuz he's much more than just action and violence.

You specifically said banging a bunch of random chicks so I think they'd have to somewhat touch on that and while not being graphic, having him go in a room and the door closes and the audience implies he banged the chick is somewhat lame. :lol:

I guess they can get away with similar violence as Wolverine, just omit the blood from the scenes. PG13 means you are still trying to appeal to kids and everything he'll have to do (just based on your descriptions) doesn't seem PG13 appropriate anyways? I really don't know. Is he the type of guy who will learn from his mistakes in the end and become a hero? If not, will he end the film as a bad guy?

In the Venom, the pay-off is he goes against Spiderman in a sequel and in the comics, he actually became a good anti-hero. Not sure if that's Namor or enough of the public even know enough about him to care really. I really don't know what Namors been up to lately though so I can't say which way the story would/should/could go.
They don't gotta show him banging all of the chicks. I wouldn't even have to show any. Just heavily imply that he did with a few :lol: Like he meets a chick or saves them and the very next scene is them in bed post-coitus or him leaving as she's naked under the sheets. Even if it was just showing the door close all you'd need to hear him say is "IMPERIUS REX!" and we'd know the deal :lol: but that might be too jokey.

You do have a point though, Namor isn't really a hero and could only be seen as such when he somehow finds himself on a team with other heroes like the Avengers. All other times he's an anti-hero or villain and what I'd have in mind for him to do isn't a movie that's appealing to kids. Some teenagers? Sure but not kids. So it'd be in the same way The Wolverine wasn't really geared towards kids but they could get by watching it.

I'm just thinking out loud with this. I don't even know who owns Namor's movie rights and like I said I don't see him meshing well with the Marvel cinematic universe unless he's gonna be an outright villain (and then maybe later turn ally). There'd really be no huge draw to get a Namor solo movie going like I said in my post when I brought up the comparison to Aquaman but then again I never really thought there'd be an avenue for the likes of Thor, Cap, and Iron Man to have successful movies either. If Namor had Marvel studios backing it could turn out well as far as getting fans but I don't know if the story would do the character justice. FTR, I don't even like Namor but from a movie perspective I do see the potential in one being made about him.


Last week, Mario-Francisco Robles of Latino Review reported that "Batman vs Superman and Justice League are going to be shot back-to-back. He also said, Batman vs Superman would end with an "insane cliffhanger/teaser that leads right into Justice League. I'm told by General Napier that shooting Batman Vs. Superman and Justice League back-to-back is being considered but no official decision has been made at this time. But, I was also contacted by another source, who requested anonymity, and he told me Justice League is a go, and will be released one year after Batman Vs. Superman.

As for the cliffhanger rumor? General Napier, tells me that's very much true. Cliffhangers, will actually be one key component in WB's master plan to dethrone Marvel Studios. WB realizes that Marvel films are famous for their mid- and post-credits scenes, and have no interest in copying from Marvel's playbook. WB's plan, is to end each of their films with a cliffhanger, setting up the next film in their cinematic universe. WB also wants to do short films for their lesser known characters. These short films would be played at the end of each film. That's a pretty interesting way of taking on Marvel's trademark post-credits scenes.

Given this has been pushed back to 2016 and JL I guess 2017 and MOS didn't end in a cliffhanger what's stopping Marvel from having Ant-Man or Avengers 2 or something else end in a cliffhanger and **** all over DC/WB's plans for this cliffhanger thing as their signature move?

I mean Feige could just say we've been planning this from the start for all of our phase 2 and 3 films and if he did it first that's just more egg on DC's/WB's face :lol:
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Cliffhangers? So you are trying to hook your audience with a to be continued ending? Good luck with that. Dethrone Marvel? Maybe if Gal Gadot was topless in every scene.

Marvel's idea works so well because you are just getting a teaser for a future movie. Not a ******g cliffhanger
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Given this has been pushed back to 2016 and JL I guess 2017 and MOS didn't end in a cliffhanger what's stopping Marvel from having Ant-Man or Avengers 2 or something else end in a cliffhanger and **** all over DC/WB's plans for this cliffhanger thing as their signature move?

I mean Feige could just say we've been planning this from the start for all of our phase 2 and 3 films and if he did it first that's just more egg on DC's/WB's face

I think that is up to Marvel and if they want to mess with the formula that has worked for them so far.

Plus what I posted is a rumor and maybe it might just be DCs way of messing with Marvel? Keep them guessing or jst to get them to make a counter move (which isn't even necessary at this point) I think you'd have to hear a DC exec or president comment on the cliffhangers before trying to beat them on it first.
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Cliffhangers? So you are trying to hook your audience with a to be continued ending? Good luck with that. Dethrone Marvel? Maybe if Gal Gadot was topless in every scene.

Marvel's idea works so well because you are just getting a teaser for a future movie. Not a ******g cliffhanger

You always sound mad as **** :lol:
^Nah I aint even mad. I am a Marvel fan. So if these DC movies based on ridiculously ******, archaic, blue eyed characters flop I truly don't care. Batman is the only franchise of theirs I care for.

Justice League and Supergirl are okay.
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Cliffhangers? So you are trying to hook your audience with a to be continued ending? Good luck with that. Dethrone Marvel? Maybe if Gal Gadot was topless in every scene.

Marvel's idea works so well because you are just getting a teaser for a future movie. Not a ******g cliffhanger
Given this has been pushed back to 2016 and JL I guess 2017 and MOS didn't end in a cliffhanger what's stopping Marvel from having Ant-Man or Avengers 2 or something else end in a cliffhanger and **** all over DC/WB's plans for this cliffhanger thing as their signature move?

I mean Feige could just say we've been planning this from the start for all of our phase 2 and 3 films and if he did it first that's just more egg on DC's/WB's face

I think that is up to Marvel and if they want to mess with the formula that has worked for them so far.

Plus what I posted is a rumor and maybe it might just be DCs way of messing with Marvel? Keep them guessing or jst to get them to make a counter move (which isn't even necessary at this point) I think you'd have to hear a DC exec or president comment on the cliffhangers before trying to beat them on it first.
I know it's a rumor I'm just pointing out that if this is true Marvel has ample time to do it first with no problems.

I don't think this cliffhanger idea is a good idea at all though. We're dealing with movies not season finales of tv shows or mini series that'll immediately be picked up on the next year with the new season. There's no way DC can produce movies in a way that''ll keep and maintain the fans' attention with all of the other superhero flicks coming out in between their cliffhanger movies.
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I don't think this cliffhanger idea is a good idea at all though. We're dealing with movies not season finales of tv shows or mini series that'll immediately be picked up on the next year with the new season. There's no way DC can produce movies in a way that''ll keep and maintain the fans' attention with all of the other superhero flicks coming out in between their cliffhanger movies.

I kind of agree but I think it just depends how they pull off the cliffhanger. X2s cliffhanger worked, you don't know if Jean is dead or alive. I am not even sure they really planned to make a 3rd one at that point but I think it is a good enough cliffhanger. Another example I could think of is TDK where in the end you don't know if Batman was a villain or not. I think the same can be said about the Joker card at the end of Batman Begins, it's really small enough to just keep you interested.

Now if they announce that a JL film is coming out in 2017 before the 2016 MoS sequel comes out, then a space ship arriving on earth before the screen goes dark at the end of the film isn't going to be so bad because everyone know it'll lead to a JL movie.

Now can they do this for every film? That is yet to be seen and it can be difficult if they make it too big all the time but make it small and it can work. I'm always weary of WB/DC films outside of Nolans control so I am never too confident that they can pull it off, especially since we really haven't seen DC even try and attempt it but with Nolan, his cliffhangers work well I think so it can be done. Come to think of it, all his Bat films has it including TDKR. :lol:
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I don't think this cliffhanger idea is a good idea at all though. We're dealing with movies not season finales of tv shows or mini series that'll immediately be picked up on the next year with the new season. There's no way DC can produce movies in a way that''ll keep and maintain the fans' attention with all of the other superhero flicks coming out in between their cliffhanger movies.

I kind of agree but I think it just depends how they pull off the cliffhanger. X2s cliffhanger worked, you don't know if Jean is dead or alive. I am not even sure they really planned to make a 3rd one at that point but I think it is a good enough cliffhanger. Another example I could think of is TDK where in the end you don't know if Batman was a villain or not. I think the same can be said about the Joker card at the end of Batman Begins, it's really small enough to just keep you interested.

Now if they announce that a JL film is coming out in 2017 before the 2016 MoS sequel comes out, then a space ship arriving on earth before the screen goes dark at the end of the film isn't going to be so bad because everyone know it'll lead to a JL movie.

Now can they do this for every film? That is yet to be seen and it can be difficult if they make it too big all the time but make it small and it can work. I'm always weary of WB/DC films outside of Nolans control so I am never too confident that they can pull it off, especially since we really haven't seen DC even try and attempt it but with Nolan, his cliffhangers work well I think so it can be done. Come to think of it, all his Bat films has it including TDKR. :lol:
Eh those are small in comparison. The real cliffhanger for TDK was if Two-Face and the Joker would play a role in the next movie. The Joker card was an in movie teaser more than cliffhanger. Gordon literally lays out some of the Joker's crimes, mentions his calling card, and Batman says he'll look in to it. TDK starts with Batman doing his own thing and Joker committing a series of crimes.

Bats running away as the vigilante at the end of TDK wasn't much of a cliffhanger cuz I knew he wouldn't be caught. Plus TDKR starts like what 10 years after the fact? That'd be like this next Game of Thrones season starting 10 years later with Stannis Baratheon king on the iron throne with his queen Aarya and Pod as his right hand.

Something like what you suggest about MOS is a bit bigger but if there too big that's gonna just be an ever growing problem and it'll be one they won't be able to easily come back from.
But those cliffhangers are made w/o knowing if it will be resolved in the next film or not, doesn't matter how long it is between the films because you watch it in the moment w/o knowing what's to come next and that's what makes it a cliffhanger. You can't discredit the cliffhanger by what happens on the next film, got to look at it w/o acknowledging it.

GoT analogy really doesn't make much sense because if GoT ends a season with an impending danger, it is still a cliffhanger no matter what happens in the next season. And for gods sake I hope that isn't a spoiler.

And yes, those are considered cliffhangers, small or not.
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Well like I said that's part of the problem, the amount of time in between. It goes from anticipating something to forgetting about it. Before TDKR I wasn't wondering about Batman's status as a hero or murderer. All of that went out the window when I found out Bane was the villain. TDK no longer played a factor other than it being the pinnacle.

In the moment, you'll think it's cool but all that in between it'll lose it's luster. The whole point isn't for the cliffhanger to be something cool for the current movie, it's suppose to make you come back for the sequel. I didn't go in to TDKR expecting anything to be wrapped up from TDK cuz you know as a fan I saw the trailer and read a few things and you figure out the sequel while a continuation doesn't have much to do with the previous film. The Marvel post credit scenes in the beginning got you amp cuz they began to connect to other Marvel heroes and movies. Fury and Stark, Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy, and so on.

That wasn't a GoT spoiler btw :lol: To me it makes sense simply because if you have a cliffhanger and then do not follow it up the next season it isn't really a good cliffhanger and like I said with TDK and TDKR, following up is part of it being a cliffhanger in the first place.

So what I'm saying as far as that rumor goes is the cliffhangers are suppose to be WB's move against Marvel's post credit scenes. The post credit scenes get you in to watching other movies. So one would think the cliffhangers are suppose to get you to want to see the other movies or sequels. The problem with cliffhangers and movies is all that time in between where other movies are seen and things like the cliffhanger become forgotten depending on the scale of the cliffhanger and once you start talking scale like I said there's some things you can not easily come back from even just keep escalating.
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But then what about Inception? That is a good cliffhanger but you'll never know what happens next. It doesn't take anything away from the movie w/o a resolution. There are plenty of cliff hanger films that you just have to figure out yourself or put your own conclusion. Cliffhangers just leaves the ending up to the audience to decide where it goes from there and then and a sequel that resolves the situation shouldn't affect it.

I think we just view it differently but it is definitely a cliff hanger, not arguing if it's a bad cliff hanger or a good one.

You also have to look at the films objectively and not as a fan who know what will happen next or assume Bats wouldn't get capture, well at least with pertaining to a cliff hanger discussion. Actually I am not sure we were even sure there was going to be a third film after TDK, I vaguely remember there being a rumor that Nolan was done and moving on and I think that is when he did Inception and they weren't sure if he will return, at least not during TDKs release. I even remember the production team saying they were unsure a 3rd film would be made but that if they did, Heath would be asked to return but I digress.
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